But her gaze remained on Liam. The biggest, baddest threat in the room. Nico didn’t blame her. But he wouldn’t get anything out of her like this.

Nico opened his mouth to suggest that maybe Liam should wait in the bedroom. He didn’t like to do it, but she was barely responsive. The last thing he wanted was to push her into a panic attack. Or to have her start screaming and alert the rest of the house.

Before he could say anything, though, Liam spoke up.

“Charlotte, look at me.”

Her gaze snapped up to Liam’s. Her eyes widened. Her breath coming in sharper pants.

“Liam,” he warned.

“Where are you hurt?” Liam asked her. His voice was quiet. But there was a definite stern tone to it. He wasn’t going to be denied.

She shook her head. Damn, she’d just denied Liam. He did it all the time, but most people didn’t.

“Hmm. You’re going to go with no, huh? You sure?”

With eyes filled with trepidation, she nodded.

“I don’t think so,” Liam replied in that still soft voice. “Show me your hands. Right. Now.”

Her mouth parted slightly, her eyes so wide they seemed to take up most of her face. He was concerned they were stressing her out too much. It wasn’t healthy.

“Liam,” he warned.

“There’s a time to go soft and a time to go hard. We both know our roles. And I’m telling you right now, it’s my time.”

Fuck. Okay, he had to trust Liam knew what he was doing.

Her gaze dropped.

“No. No looking away,” Liam told her. “Look at me.” Reaching out slowly, he took hold of her chin and raised her face.

Nico could see how fast her chest was rising and falling. If she had another panic attack, he was taking her to the hospital. Fuck it. This wasn’t healthy.

“You know me. You might think you’re scared of me. But you’re not.”

Her gaze narrowed.

“You want to know how I know that? Because you would have yelled for your brother as soon as I walked in if you were.”

Nico had been wondering if they should go get Regent, but Liam was right. She hadn’t screamed, and despite looking panicked and unsure, she was actually standing up to Liam.

“I’m not going to ask again,” Liam warned.

Her eyes narrowed, but then she turned just her gaze to Nico since Liam still had hold of her chin.

“Marshmallow,” he told her.

Her lips twitched.

“I’m going to need to know what that means at some stage,” Liam told them both.

“Nah, you don’t need to know, does he, Lottie-toe-tottie?”

Both of them shot him looks.

“I know, I know,” he said dramatically. “It’s hard to be this gorgeous and funny. But you know, someone has to do it.”