Love swelled inside her. She was theirs. Totally.

“I’m not going to last, please, Liam,” Nico begged. “You know how good she is at this.”

“Fuck, you should feel her fucking pussy clenching down on me.”

What they didn’t know was that she was close to the edge, needing to come.

“Come! Both of you,” Liam ordered. “Come now.”

He fucked her with hard thrusts as he reached around to flick at her clit. She exploded just as Nico came in her mouth. Quickly, she swallowed him down as Liam shuddered behind her, his groan of completion filling the room.

She slumped forward as Liam drew himself from her, letting Nico’s cock slide out of her mouth. She was lifted into the air and placed on the bed. Her legs were parted, a warm cloth slid between them.

Then she felt them sandwich her between them, surrounding her.

Nothing had ever felt this right.

Nico stared down at their gorgeous sleeping girl. The center of their world. How had they ever lived without her? He had no idea, but he was so grateful to have her in their lives. He looked over at Liam and found him staring down at her, too. The look on Liam’s face was a mix of fear, satisfaction and ownership. Nico got it. They’d nearly lost her for a second time. That couldn’t happen again.

“She’s ours, Liam.”

“She is,” Liam replied. “The two of you are mine. And I’m not ever letting you go.”


Eight months later

“You know, I never did understand art. Especially that modern stuff. Looks like something a two-year-old could do. But this stuff, this stuff, I like.”

Lottie turned toward Liam’s grandfather with a smile. “Grandpa Sean, you made it!”

“Well, of course I did. Wouldn’t miss my only granddaughter’s first art show, would I?”

She reached out and hugged him. Over the last eight months she’d grown rather fond of the old asshole. Oh, she never forgot who he was, or that not everyone saw the side of him that she did. But he’d helped her, saved her, and since then, Liam had grudgingly let him more into his life. She enjoyed having him around, even if Liam still liked to grumble about it.

He’d stopped putting guys on Liam, which helped. But that was mostly because Liam had hired a full security crew and moved them out to the country, out of Sean’s jurisdiction. Not that that ever stopped the old coot. And she wouldn’t be surprised if he had a spy in their midst. But she never said that to Liam.

“Did you come on your own?” she asked.

“No, I brought one of the other grandsons. Useless, the bunch of them.”

Liam’s cousins were anything but useless. They were all ruthless, savage men. And she wondered how they were fitting in with this crowd. At least it was only a small showing. The art gallery owner had agreed to only allow a restricted number of people to her showings, to help with her anxiety. Surprisingly, there had been a waiting list of people wanting to attend.

“Grandfather, you made it,” Liam said, coming up beside her. He wrapped an arm around her. Immediately, she felt more at ease. That tight knot in her stomach disappeared. She’d come a long way, but it hadn’t been without its challenges. After everything, Liam had gone into overprotective caveman mode. Neither she nor Nico were allowed anywhere without him. Not that she’d even wanted to for the longest time.

But look at her now.

“Of course, I did. Now, what time should you expect me for Christmas? I’ll be comin’ up a few days early.”

Liam’s eyes widened and he glanced down at her. “You’re coming for Christmas?”

“I’m family. My granddaughter invited me. I’ll be there.”

“Come any time you like,” she told him.

“Thought I might as well just stay until the New Year.”

“What?” Liam snapped, causing a number of people to turn and look at them.