“She . . . you . . . you did what?” she screeched, jumping up. “Liam, you can’t do that!”

“Already did. Sit down, please.”

“But you . . . I . . . this is insane. Nico, tell him this is insane. He can’t do this, can he?”

Nico tugged her down against him again. “Pretty girl, he already did. And didn’t you hear him? She wants to do a showing with your paintings! That’s awesome! And well deserved. Because you are amazing.”

She shook her head. “I . . . I can’t do it. I’ll have to go to the gallery. I can’t . . . I don’t . . . Liam!”

Liam knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his. “You can do this. Because we will be with you. All the way, baby girl.”

Her breathing was rapid but she wasn’t panicking. “You’ll both help me?”

“Of course we will,” Nico told her.

She could do this. With them. She could.

“We have months to prepare,” Liam soothed. “Her gallery is very popular and booked out well in advance.”

“Wait! She doesn’t just want them because she’s your friend?” She would hate that.

“What? No, baby. Of course not.”

“She wants them because they’re amazing,” Nico told her. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Glad you feel that way,” Liam said, turning to his husband. “Because I have a surprise for you.”

“You do?”

She turned to look up at Nico, who appeared shocked. Liam stood once more, affecting his lord and master pose. “Yes, I’ve bought you some time in a studio to record your music. And I have a music producer lined up to listen to it.”

Somehow, Nico managed to jump to his feet, even with a massive plug in his ass. “No!”


“Liam, no!”

“Nico, yes. It’s time you realized how talented and amazing you are. And that you need to share it.”

She stood and wrapped her arms around Nico. “He’s right.”

“Fuck,” Nico groaned. “I can’t believe this.”

“You’ll be awesome and you should share your talent,” she told him.

“Lord help me,” Nico whispered.

“There’s more,” Liam told them.

“Do you not think you could do one bombshell a week,” Nico groaned. “My heart may not take it.”

Liam drew him close and whispered to him. Nico’s gaze lit up then he turned to look at her. Then he shuffled away.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Just wait.”

When Nico returned, he handed something to Liam, who put it in his pocket. She stared at them both in confusion as they dropped to one knee in front of her. Then both of them held out their hands. Moving on instinct, she raised her hands and slid each hand into one of theirs.