“Would you come sit with me? I’m a bit bored with Liam away.”

And she looked like she was about to keel over, he wanted to get her off her feet.

“You are? Why didn’t you go with him?”

“I didn’t feel like going along just to hang off his arm and play the part of trophy husband.”

“You have to play the part of a trophy husband?”

“No, I was joking.” He grinned at her, hoping to get a smile in return.

The smile she gave him was limp at best. “Sorry, you must think I’m an idiot.”

He frowned. He didn’t like her talking about herself like that. “I don’t think any such thing. Why would you say something like that about yourself?”

She shrugged. “Because I can’t tell when you’re making a joke.”

“And that makes you an idiot? Hell, no. If anyone is an idiot, it’s me, for not being funny enough that you can tell.”

This time, her smile was small but real.

“Come on, come sit with me. Unless you want to go get some breakfast? Did you eat?”

“Um, oh, no. I guess I didn’t. I woke up and came to paint. What time is it?”

“It’s nearly ten thirty.”

Before she could say anything more, yells came from the front of the house. He moved toward her, prepared to stand between her and whoever that was. It took him a moment to realize that the screams were one of excitement not murderous rampage.

“Are you all right?” she asked, probably wondering why he’d jumped in front of her like that.

Seems he was feeling a bit jumpy. Probably the combination of being in a strange place and having sole responsibility for Lottie. Liam would kill him if he let anything happen to her. Not that he would.

She moved around to his side. “It’s just the boys. Did they give you a fright? They are loud.”

“Boys? What boys?”

“My nephews,” she said fondly.

A boy raced into the room and headed straight toward Lottie. Nico moved quickly to intercept him. He might be young, but he was built solidly, and he had no doubt he’d bowl Lottie to the floor if he hit her at that speed. The kid slammed against him, then staggered back. Nico grabbed hold of his shoulders to steady him.

“Whoa, buddy, not so fast.”

“Hey, let go of me!” the kid yelled then kicked him in the shin.

“Holy fuck!” Fuck! The kid could kick.

“Ace! What are you doing?” Lottie cried. “No kicking! And Nico, you cannot swear in front of children.”

“Shit. He kicked me.”

“You grabbed me,” Ace countered.

“Because you were about to fall over.”

“Because you stepped in front of me. You got in my way!”

“You were going to barrel Lottie over.”