“I left them with grandfather.”

He waited for their reaction.

“Good,” Lottie said fiercely.


“I don’t want them to live. But I also didn’t want you to have to kill them. This is what they deserve. Evil bastards.”

Liam, ridiculously, found himself smiling.

“They found the doorman,” Nico said. “She must have got him into the backroom and shot him.”

Liam winced. “Fuck.”

“She’d bribed him to tell her when you did something interesting,” Lottie told Liam.

“Guess he got what was coming then,” Liam replied coldly.

“But what about poor Evan.”

“That wasn’t your fault,” Liam told her. “None of this is.”

She nodded, but he wasn’t sure she believed him. Fuck. She was starting to do so well, he hated to think how many more nightmares she’d have now.

Of course, now he had more of his own. And a whole slew of anxiety.

“Why didn’t they take me?” Nico asked.

“Probably thought that they’d get money from Regent too. Or maybe it was that they thought it would be easier to get to Lottie. Sounds like they only got desperate enough to do this because Regent was trying to find Michael. Fuck, I need to call him.”

“He’s going to lose his mind. He’ll want me to come home.”

“Do you want to go back?” Liam asked her. “Because we can do that. We can do whatever you need to do.”

“All I need to do is be with the two of you. That’s where my home is.”

“That’s good,” he told her. “Because the two of you are my home. My heart. My two loves.”

He held them both tight, never intending to let them go.


She knew it was him before he even approached her.

He was always careful to make noise before coming up behind her, not wanting to frighten her. Two months had passed since her second kidnapping and while things hadn’t been easy, she at least had the two of them to lean on, to help her through the added nightmares and anxiety.

And she’d been there to help them both with theirs. With Liam’s need to keep them safe. With Nico’s need to always have her in his sights. They were helping each other.

“Painting me again?” he asked before brushing his lips along her neck. A shudder of desire ran through her. She didn’t think there would ever be a day when she didn’t want him. Her nipples pebbled as she carefully set the brush down then turned to stare up into those blue eyes that she’d once thought of as cold.

They weren’t cold now. No, they were filled with warmth as they stared down at her with hunger.

“My favorite subject.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah?”

“You and Nico,” she replied.