“Not like you do.”

“Damn, pretty girl,” he groaned before kissing her. “Fuck me.”

“All right,” she agreed with a grin.

He moaned. “We’ve created a monster. I want to fuck you so bad.”

“So why don’t you?”

“Because Liam told me that if I fucked you while he was gone then I wouldn’t get to touch your pussy for a whole month.”

She pouted. Liam had gone into work. She’d been hoping for some fun one-on-one time with Nico.

“No fair.”

“Tell me about it.” He stepped back with a groan. “Best we don’t even touch. I don’t trust myself.”

She had to grin, liking that she pushed his control.

“I’m going to make coffee. Want some?”

“We’re out of hazelnut creamer.”

“No problem, I’ll go grab you some.”

“I don’t want to be a bother.”

“Pretty girl, you’re never a bother. I’ve got to grab a couple of things. I’ll be twenty minutes. You’ll be okay here?”

“I’ll be fine.” Although she hadn’t actually been alone in the penthouse before. But it was only twenty minutes, and it wasn’t like she wasn’t used to being alone.



“I have my phone. Evan is right outside if you need anything, okay?”

“I’ll be fine.” Evan was one of the guards that Liam had hired to stand outside the apartment door and be bored all day long. Three guards worked in rotation. But you couldn’t even get up to his level without a key card. Plus, there was a doorman on the building. She thought he was overreacting, but Liam wouldn’t be budged.

“Love you, pretty girl.”

“Love you too!”

Instead of going back to painting right away, she decided to go put the coffee on and get a glass of water. Grabbing her phone, she sent off a text to Victor, checking in. As she started the coffee her phone started ringing. She smiled as she saw Ace’s name.

She put him on speaker and set the phone on the counter as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and poured some into a glass.

“Hey, buddy, how are you?” she asked as she heard the door to the apartment shut. Had Nico forgotten something? Or maybe Liam was back early. That would be fun.

“Lottie, when are you coming home?”

Aw. Poor Ace.

“I’m not sure, buddy. Are you all right?”

“I miss you. I don’t like that those guys stole you away. It’s Keir’s birthday soon.”

“I’ll come back to visit as soon as I can, I promise,” she said, turning as she heard someone approach. The glass slipped from her hand, shattering. “How did you get in here?”