“Shit, she’s not wearing underwear,” Nico said in an amazed voice.

“I thought I’d join you both,” she said with a tiny grin. It was clear she was nervous, but she wasn’t trying to hide. She wasn’t panicking or shaking with fear.

She stood there, beautiful and strong.

“So proud of you, baby,” Liam told her.

Nico had stripped as well by now.

“Nico, sit back down next to me. Lottie, over my knee.” He held out his hand and she slipped her hand into his.

Her hand was slightly cool, but he knew it was normal for her to be a bit anxious; this was new territory. He held her over his lap, her face was practically in Nico’s lap.

“Hallelujah,” Nico said. “I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

Lottie giggled.

“Quiet, both of you,” he mock-growled. “This is serious business.”

“Sorry, Master,” Lottie told him.

“That’s lord and master,” Nico said to her.

Another giggle escaped her. He shook his head. Then he got back to the task at hand. He rubbed his hand over her ass.

“Why did you kick the window, baby?” he asked in a gentle voice.

She sighed. “I don’t want to say.”

“Well, I want you to tell me.”

“Fuck, she has the most beautiful ass,” Nico said on a sigh.

“Doesn’t she? Too bad I’m going to have to turn it red. Especially since someone isn’t answering my questions.” He smacked his hand down several times on her ass. Not very hard. He didn’t want to really hurt her. Nico could take pain. He enjoyed it. Lottie was far softer. Delicate. Gentle.

But she was still going to get her butt spanked.

She let out a low moan.

“Fuck, I can feel her breath on my cock, Liam.”

“Look how hard he is, Lottie. Just from having your mouth so close to him. Imagine what he’s going to be like once your mouth is on his dick.”

“Yes, please,” Nico breathed. “Tell her to take me into her mouth.”

“Soon,” Liam told him. “But first, her punishment.” Several more smacks to her ass later, he stopped to rub her lower back. Her bottom was pink, and she’d started shifting around on his lap. But he wasn’t entirely sure if that was due to the pain from the spanking or because she was enjoying it.

“Why did you kick the window?”

“I was frustrated,” she admitted.


“Because I . . . I’m here and yet I’m stuck again. I move forward one step and back two. I’m just . . . I want everything to move quicker.”

“And what does your therapist say?”

“That I’ve already taken a huge leap, before I was ready to and that I have to give myself a break. Time to come to terms with moving from my home, from my brothers back to the place which held so many nightmares for me.”