The second day here, Nico had gone out and bought out half of an art store for her. But she couldn’t paint. She didn’t know why. And she checked in with her brothers constantly. The FBI hadn’t found anything thanks to what she and Nico had squirreled out.

Somehow, Liam had managed to get the plane’s manifest changed so that it looked like she and Nico had flown out earlier that day. She didn’t know how, she guessed a lot of money crossed palms. The FBI had sent requests to talk to her, but since they had nothing on her or her family, they couldn’t force her to talk to them.

“Banged my toe.”

“Poor baby. Let me see.” Liam picked her up and carried her to the sofa.

The guys were being so sweet with her, treating her so gently. But that was starting to frustrate her too. Sure, she’d needed it to begin with. And she wasn’t saying that she wanted it to stop, necessarily. Just she knew that they were holding back.

There had been hardly anything sexual between them.

She wanted to be more than someone they took care of.

She wanted to be the sexual goddess they couldn’t take her hands off.

“What happened? Is she all right?”

“Bumped her toe,” Liam replied to Nico. “Get an ice pack.”

“It’s fine,” she told them. “It barely hurts.”

But Nico had already returning soon with an ice pack. He sat on the sofa next to them and applied it gently to her toes.

“There, is that better?” Nico asked. “Poor toes. What did you hit them on?”

“The glass.”

“The glass?” Liam asked.

“I kicked it.”

“You kicked the window?” Nico asked.


“Why?” Liam asked.

“Because I’m frustrated. I want . . . I want . . .”

“Yes, baby?” Liam asked.

“I want to give you a blow job,” she blurted out.

There. She’d said it. There was no taking it back. What she wanted was to give him a blow job.

“And you,” she said to Nico. “And I want you both to fuck me. That’s what I want.”

She folded her arms across her chest and gave them a nod.

They gaped at her then each other.

“That’s what you want, huh?” Liam asked.

“Yes. I just . . . I don’t want to be on the outside anymore, looking in.”

Liam gave her a shocked look. “You don’t feel like you’re part of this relationship?”

“No, that’s not it . . . ” She let out a frustrated groan. “I know you both love me.”