“I-I’m scared. I’ve barely been able to leave our property and now I’m back in the city where I was kidnapped.”

“Right, we’ll make arrangements to leave tomorrow,” Liam said firmly.

“No. No.” She shook her head.

“Lottie, staying here isn’t worth risking your mental health,” Liam told her.

“You’re worried I’ll hurt myself?”

They shared another look.

“I . . . I’m not going to do that anymore. I hope. Or at least . . . I have ways to cope. I have both of you and Molly. If I feel like that then I’ll talk to one of you.”

“That’s right, you do,” Nico said to her. “You’re so fucking brave.”

“Home was always my safe place, but now, it’s the two of you. You’re my safe haven.” She looked at Nico then up to Liam.

“Fuck, baby girl, you don’t know how happy that makes me,” Liam told her. “But I also want your promise that if that changes, if you feel unsure, or like you’re going to hurt yourself, that you’ll tell us.”

“Why don’t we stay in here until you fall asleep?” Nico suggested, seeing how exhausted she was.

“Actually, would you both sleep with me? I don’t want to be alone.”

“Of course, baby,” Liam said. “Let’s go to our bedroom, the bed is bigger. It’s where you belong anyway.”

He picked her up after she nodded and carried her into the room.

“So, um, I’m guessing I interrupted something,” she said with a blush as Liam set her down.

“Interrupted, no,” Nico replied with a grin. “You timed it just right.” He winked at her, and she giggled.

It was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. And once he’d had a shower, he was going to cuddle the shit out of their girl. They had her all to themselves.

Everything was going to be perfect from now on.



Things were a mess. Lottie pressed her forehead to the glass window of the penthouse, looking out at the New York skyline. Outside this penthouse, people moved around, going on with their business while she was stuck here. The princess in the tower. She’d exchanged one prison for another.

Not that either of them were keeping her there. The only person holding her captive was herself.

A week had passed since they’d come here. The first few days had been a mess. She’d had so many nightmares. Liam had threatened to stick them all on a plane to somewhere else so many times. Nico had been the one stuck holding them all together.

Why won’t my damn brain work properly?

She was so sick of this. She kicked the window then let out a cry, hopping around, holding her foot.

“What is it? What happened?” Liam ran into the room from his office. Both men had been sticking close by and honestly, those first few days she’d needed it. She couldn’t have done this without them. She hadn’t been lying when she said they were her safe place.

So why can’t you leave this apartment?

Just step outside. No one is going to grab you. Hurt you.

Molly had been cautioning her about pushing herself too fast. About being too hard on herself. But she just wanted to be better.

Molly claimed this was actually a good thing. Lottie wasn’t so sure.