“If they’re not there, then we’ll have to go in. Lottie won’t be coping,” Victor said.

Regent’s phone rang and he answered it.

“Lottie’s stronger than you give her credit for,” Liam told them. But he didn’t see how she could managing this. Leaving the house, going through the tunnels, the FBI raiding her house.

“The lawyer is at the house,” Regent said, hanging up.


“No. Jardin needs to be kept separate from all this. Maxim and my trusted lieutenants have gone to each legitimate business in case the FBI turn up there.”

“Feels like plugging holes in a sinking ship,” Victor muttered.

Regent grunted. “The plane is ready to take Lottie to our place in Mexico. I assume you’ll want to accompany her.”

He shook his head.

“You’re not going with her?”

“No. She’s not going to Mexico. She needs to be far away from you and your family.”

“No one will get to her there. No one knows about the house in Mexico.”

“Someone knows a lot about your family.”

Regent ran his hand over his face. “Fuck.”

“I’ll take her somewhere else.”

“How do we know she’ll be safe?” Victor asked.

“Because I’d die before I let anything happen to her.”

“She won’t cope with going to New York,” Regent pointed out.

“I’m not taking her to New York, I’ll take her somewhere else.”

“Fuck.” Regent was silent for a long moment. “Fine, but you’ll be in contact constantly. I want to hear from her three times a day. And it’s only until this mess is sorted. Then she’ll be coming home.”

“If she wants to come home after this mess is sorted, including finding the rat, then I will bring her. But it’s not safe for her until you clean house.”

“Agreed,” Regent said between clenched teeth. “Here we are.”

“The exit comes out here?” They looked to be in suburbia. A normal neighborhood with average houses. Their driver pulled into a driveway and then a garage door went up.

“We own the house. The tunnel comes up inside it. A friend lives here.”

The door opened. Regent got out. Then Victor and Liam.

They entered the house and a woman appeared in front of them. She was curvy and beautiful, but Liam didn’t have any attention to spare for her. “Where are they? Are they here?”

The woman looked over at him as Regent moved to her side.

“No, they’re not here yet. I’ve got the tunnel open. I haven’t heard anything.”

Liam stalked behind her into a back bedroom. A closet door was open, and a trapdoor was pulled back.

“I’m going in to find them,” he said.