Usually, when something scared him, he didn’t think about it too much. It just became counter productive, and there was no point in worrying about shit.

But this was fucking important. He couldn’t mess this up, then walk away.

“Of course not,” she replied.

He could tell she was lying. Well, fuck.

He guessed it wasn’t anything he shouldn’t have expected.

“Liam’s not a bad guy.” Yeah, most people would see him that way after the things he’d done in his past. But he would never harm her or Nico.

Maybe he was considered a monster, but he could be her monster.

He was big enough, mean enough to keep her nightmares away. To keep her safe.

It was Nico’s job to ensure she figured that out. Oh, and that she needed him too. They were a package deal. But of course she’d want him; he was fucking amazing.

“I didn’t mean to imply that he was. Please don’t take offense.” Her fingers were so tight around the paintbrush he was worried she was hurting herself.

“It takes a lot to cause me offense, promise. There’s no reason for you to be scared of Liam. He’d never hurt you.”

“I know that.” She managed a smile, and he breathed out a relieved breath. Okay, maybe she wasn’t as afraid of Liam as he’d first thought. “My brothers would kill him if he touched me.”

Ouch. All right, back to square one. She only felt confident that Liam wouldn’t hurt her because her brothers would protect her.

“Let me tell you a story about Liam. Before I met him, I was in a toxic relationship. It was with the lead singer of this band. I really wanted to make it as a musician, and he said he’d help me. But, basically, he was grooming me to become his sexual plaything.”

“Oh, Nico.”

“I was young and stupid. When he dumped me . . . well, I thought my world would end. You won’t believe how he broke up with me. Kicked me off the tour bus in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere.”

“What did you do?”

“Walked. Had a backpack, my guitar, and thirty dollars to my name. Despite the fact that I’d worked like a slave for those assholes, they never paid me.”

“Nico, that’s terrible.”

“There I was, plodding down the road, broken-hearted, when the skies opened up and it started pouring rain. A few vehicles drove past, but no one stopped. I gave up putting my thumb out. And then this expensive-fucking car races past me, straight through a puddle, splashing me. Then to my shock, the car pulled over. Guess who walked out?”

“Your fairy godmother?”

He laughed. “Close. I’d love to see Liam in a dress and wings.”

“What did he do?”

“Ran his gaze over me then walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, and told me to fucking get inside.”

“You told him no?”

“Hell no. You’ve seen him. Back then, he was still fighting, and was even bigger and nastier-looking than he is now. I was a good little boy and got the fuck in his car. Then I apologized for getting his car all wet. He told me to shut the fuck up.”

“You must have been scared.”

“Terrified. But I also appreciated his bluntness. My ex had spent the whole time we were together lying. Just to keep me with them, doing all the jobs they didn’t want to pay someone to do. Liam drove me to the nearest town. I told him to drop me off at this flea-ridden motel, which was all I could afford. He just told me to shut up again, then took me to his hotel room. He let me have the first shower, gave me some dry clothes. When I got out of the shower, I asked him if he wanted to fuck me or a blow job.”

She gasped.

“He just stared at me and asked me what happened. After I told him, he nodded and asked if I was any good on my guitar. I played a bit for him. He told me that it was obvious why my ex treated me like shit. Because he was jealous of how good I was. That was when I started to fall in love with him. Liam’s a good guy. Gruff on the outside, marshmallow on the inside.”