“I will,” Nico said eagerly.

“Glad that’s settled. Come here, baby. Eat your snack.”

A few hours later, Lottie stepped back from her painting, looking over at where they were working.

She froze, heart racing as she took them in. Liam was working on his laptop, looking every inch the successful businessman while under the table, Nico sucked him off.

She realized that she wanted to be under the table with Nico, worshipping Liam. To be totally part of their relationship. To give herself fully.

“Okay, baby?” Liam asked.

She met his bright blue gaze and smiled ruefully. “Epiphany.”

“Yeah, good one?”

“Yes, I think so. I want it all, Liam. Everything.”

His eyes flared wide. “As in . . .”

“Your dominance. And Nico’s. To be loved by both of you. I want to be completely part of your relationship.”

“You are.”

She shook her head. “I’m still holding back.” She moved closer and stared down at Nico who peered up at her from between Liam’s legs. “I need to trust. To be vulnerable.”

“There’s no rush.”

“I know. But it’s what I want.” Liam wrapped an arm around her middle. “I trust you both not to hurt me physically. I mean, I wouldn’t consent to being your sub and discipline if I didn’t. But I need to trust you not to hurt me emotionally as well.”

“That’s something we all need to work on,” Liam replied.

“I know. Can I watch?”

“Baby girl, whatever I have to give, it’s yours. Forever.”



“Old man,” Liam growled into the phone in irritation. “This better be good.”

He’d walked outside into the cool air. Tonight, they were at another underground boxing fight, and it was a fucking trying night. So many people came up to him, trying to ascertain whether he was planning on getting back into the ring. His patience was short. It didn’t help that he’d rather be back at the house with Nico and Lottie.

They’d looked so comfortable, curled up together on the sofa under a blanket. He wouldn’t be surprised if they got hot and heavy with each other. Nico had been given orders not to come until Liam allowed it, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t play.

And fuck it, Liam wanted to be there with them.

“Well, I’m startin’ to regret doin’ the Malones a good deed by warnin’ them.”

“Warning them of what? Have you heard who the rat is?”

“No, but I have heard that there’s an FBI raid about to be conducted on the Malone mansion,” his grandfather said slyly.

“What? Fuck! Nico and Lottie are there alone.”

“I suggest you get them out of there. Quick. And get Malone to clean house. This fucking rat isn’t going to go down easily.”

His grandfather hung up and he called Nico quickly as he rushed back to Regent.