“He is?”

“Yeah. Which means I get to come much less.”


“You’re not sorry, brat,” Nico growled at her. “Just remember, I get you all to myself tonight. While the master is away, his subs are gonna play.”

“Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, huh?”

“You’re starting to get this brat thing down.”

“So, Liam has to go out again tonight.” As soon as she said the words she wished them back. She dropped her gaze to her feet. Crap.

“Hey, look at me.”

“I really need to go get into some painting clothes.” The urge to paint was overwhelming. It was her saving grace.

“Charlotte, look at me.”

A shiver raced over her, and she readied her gaze. Didn’t matter that he was standing there naked, he had completely commanded her attention with that voice.

“That’s better.” He narrowed his gaze, studying her. “You don’t want Liam to go out?”

“I don’t . . . I just . . . it’s nothing. Forget I said it.”

“Stay still,” he ordered.

Damn it. She sighed.

“It’s not nothing if it’s upsetting you.”

“It’s not upsetting me. I just thought it might be nice to spend the night with the two of you. But I understand. He’s got to help my brother, and I’m grateful. I’m worried about Regent. I have no right to complain.”

“You weren’t complaining. You were just asking a question and expressing a need.”

“I don’t want to sound too needy.”

Nico snorted. “Oh, pretty girl, you have a lot to learn. You tell Liam you need something, and that man will move heaven and earth to get it for you. Don’t you get it? He thrives on being needed. Even when his scum-sucking brother needed him, he was there for him. If it’s you doing the asking . . . Lottie, Liam wants to know that you need him.”

“He does?”

“Just because he’s a Dom doesn’t make him a mind reader. And Doms have feelings too you know.” He winked at her, and she rolled her eyes at his silliness. “Tell him. Trust me.”

“But you’re both already doing so much for me . . .”

“None of that matters. It’s our choice. Because you are ours and there is nothing we wouldn’t do for you.”

“Are you ever going to let us see what you paint?”

Lottie glanced over at Liam, who looked up from his laptop. He’d pulled a desk in from one of the other rooms so he could work in the solarium while she painted. Nico often worked with him, although he’d just left to go get them a snack.

“Oh, um, I guess maybe one day.”

Liam frowned slightly and she felt like she’d let him down.

Ask him.

“Nico said you have to go out again tonight.”