Holy. Heck. That was so hot.

“Just what I thought,” he said, as he tucked her hand back under the covers then drew on his jeans, tucking himself away. “Delicious.”


“Really. It’s time for sleep.” Kneeling next to the bed, he ran his fingers through her hair as he started singing.

“Your voice is amazing. You should have your own band. Why don’t you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m scared of trying and failing.”

She opened her eyes. “You’re amazing, Nico. Never forget that.”

“Thanks, pretty girl. Now, go to sleep.”


Nico walked into their bedroom on the third floor.

He wished he could have carried Lottie up with him. It was getting increasingly difficult to let her sleep on her own. If she had another nightmare, he wanted to be there for her.

When he shut the door, he turned to see that Liam was sitting on the bed with just his pants on, although they were unbuttoned. He had his phone in his hand.

“You know what to do,” he said.

Stripping, Nico got into position on his knees. Liam didn’t usually require any formality to their play, but he loved having Nico on his knees.

Nico put his hands behind his back.

“Did you touch her?” Liam asked, standing and taking off his pants.

“No, Liam.”

Liam froze. Which looked kind of funny as he was in the middle of pulling his pants off one foot. He quickly recovered, placing his pants on a chair before moving toward Nico, naked. His erect cock called to Nico, who stared at it hungrily.

“You didn’t?”

“No, Liam.”

“You didn’t finger her pussy? Lick it? I know you’re dying to.”

“I am, but I’m . . .”

“You’re what?”

“I’m scared of overwhelming her. Doing something to scare her. And it doesn’t feel right to do that for the first time without you.”

A pleased look filled Liam’s face and Nico knew he’d done the right thing. Liam ran his fingers through Nico’s hair then tugged at it. A delicious pain filled him, and he shuddered with pleasure.

“What happened?”

“She was . . . she couldn’t sleep. I could tell she was turned-on, but she wouldn’t do anything in front of me. So, I offered to touch myself while she did the same.”

“What a hardship for you,” Liam said dryly.

“You know me. I’m a giving sort of guy.” He grinned as Liam snorted.

“She got herself off.”