Why Liam thought himself unredeemable, Nico had no fucking idea. But he guessed it was his job to make Liam see sense. Someone who was all bad wouldn’t worry over anyone else.

“Not unless she got up early and ate before I got downstairs. I’ve been here close to two hours. It’s more like snack time now. Do you suppose they serve beignets around here?”

“It’s not a restaurant,” Liam reminded him. “And I doubt she was up that early, she was awake late last night.”

“But does she really sleep?” Nico had his doubts because of how pale and exhausted she looked.

“Go find her.”

“I was planning on it,” he replied calmly. “But then you called me.”

“Make her eat something.”

Lord, oh Lord, help him.

“Liam I can’t force her to eat.”

“Of course, you can. Sit her down, put food in front of her and tell her she’s not getting up until the food is all gone.”

“Liam, seriously, are you listening to yourself?”

“What?” Liam replied in a surly voice.

“She’s not a child. I can’t sit her down and tell her she’s not moving.”

Liam grumbled. “If she was ours . . .”

“If she was ours, we’d be encouraging her to eat. We wouldn’t be going all Captain Caveman on her ass.”

“Why not?”

“Because this takes some finesse.” Something Liam lacked. Nico admitted he wasn’t great with it himself. But he was better than the big bruiser he’d married. “Because she needs to trust us and gift us her submission. Because maybe she has an issue with food and trampling all over what’s going on with her will make it fucking worse.”

“Fuck, I didn’t even about think that. Do you think she does?”

“I dunno. I’m going to see what I can find out.”

“My informant hasn’t said anything.”

“I can’t believe you have a spy in the household.” He looked around as he whispered that part.

“You disapprove?”

“Fuck no. Just can’t believe you got someone to agree to spy on Regent Malone without threatening bodily harm.”

“What makes you think I didn’t?” Liam said in a low, silken voice.

Right. Christ, he needed to end this call before his balls fucking burst.

“Go find her. Make sure she’s eating. And don’t jack off.”

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

“I’d say stop being a smart ass, but I know that’s impossible for you.”

“Pretty sure it’s in my DNA.”

Nico found her in the sun room. She was wearing a long metallic gold skirt that had pleats in it. A long-sleeved, oversized black shirt was tucked into the skirt.