“I want your brother,” Regent told him.

“I can’t help you there.”

“I’ll pay you back the money you lost.”

Liam sighed. “I really don’t know where he is. You think I feel any allegiance to him anymore?”

“Family first,” Victor repeated.

“Lottie and Nico are my family now. She wasn’t mine then. She is now. Michael has gone.”

“What’s he living off?” Regent asked.

He frowned. “I don’t know. Likely my stepmother sends him money.”

Regent and Victor shared a look.

Liam sighed. “If you go after her, just make sure it can’t come back on you or me.”

“You’re not going to try to protect her?”

“No. That bitch can protect herself,” Liam said bitterly. “If that’s all . . .” He moved to the door.

“I’ll give you five million dollars to disappear out of my sister’s life.”

Anger filled him then he stilled and thought it over. “Fuck.” Turning, he stared at Regent. “You paid him off, didn’t you?”


“You paid him to leave her. Didn’t you? How much?”

“Two million dollars. He was surprisingly cheap.”

“Motherfucker. Why bother? Why not just get rid of him?”

“More hassle that way. This was simpler, cleaner.”

“You really are an interfering bastard.” He frowned.

“I paid the money to him the day he broke up with her, before I knew she’d been kidnapped. She texted me while he was driving her back to the hotel to tell me. I had the money transferred to an offshore account for him. Later on that night, I realized something was wrong when I couldn’t get hold of her. She refused to have a bodyguard, but I had one watching from a distance. However, they were watching the hotel lobby, not the service entrance where the kidnapper left with her. Not that he would have seen her in the laundry trolley anyway. It’s a wonder he never spotted a tail if Michael had one though.”

“Michael could have used that fucking money to pay his debt,” Liam said in a cold voice. He couldn’t believe that bastard. He best never show his face again. He was dead to Liam.

“Yes, he could have.”

“Fucking hell.” He ran his hand over his face. “I really don’t know where he is. But if you want to find him, my stepmother would be the place to start.”

Regent just nodded. “I think it goes without saying, but you will not tell Lottie we paid off your brother.”

“I don’t think she’ll be upset. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you the chance to tell her yourself.”

“Fuck,” Regent muttered.


Lottie rolled over and looked across to where Nico sat in a chair he’d pulled up by her bed.

“You look tired,” she told him.