“How’s it going?”

“Since you told me I can’t go jack off in the bathroom, not so good.”

A gasp sounded behind him and for a moment he thought it was his girl. But when he spun around, one of the maids was standing there. She’d probably come to clean up the breakfast stuff and heard him talking about jacking off.

Oh, well, she’d get over it.

“I’ll just be a moment.”

She was still gaping at him. Strange little thing, wasn’t she? Then she turned and walked out. He shook his head.

“What’s going on?” Liam asked sharply.

“Just corrupting the maid. Nothing new.”

Liam sighed. “Don’t go causing Regent’s staff to quit. You know how pissy he’ll get, and we need to stay there to have access to Lottie.”

“I know the plan. It’s not my fault she took offense to listening to me talk about a natural bodily function. Maybe if she did it more often she wouldn’t be so shocked.”

“Nicolas,” Liam said in a warning tone that made Nico smile in pleasure.

Maybe he was crazy. He didn’t give a shit. He was how he was.

“Liam,” he said back.

“You’d try the patience of a fucking saint.”

“Hey, boyo, don’t know what pill ye took, but you’re no feckin’ saint.”

“That was a terrible Irish accent, and I don’t even have an accent.”

Liam had Irish blood on his mother’s side, but he was born and bred in New York city.

“If you could get your mind off your dick and stop terrorizing the maids, I’d appreciate getting back on topic. Where’s Lottie?” Liam asked.

“Not here.”

“I gathered that much. At least I fucking hope you weren’t talking about jacking off in front of her.”

“Why wouldn’t I? If she’s going to be ours, that’s something she should get used to.”

“What? You speaking about inappropriate topics at the breakfast table?”

“See now, that’s just the way you were raised. This is the step-monster’s fault. She taught you that only certain topics were acceptable while eating. But the opposite is true, you should be free to talk about anything you like.”

“So, you often talk about cranking one out in front of your parents and siblings?”

“Fuck, no, my mother would chop my hand off.”

“That’s what I thought. Where is Lottie, Nico?”

“I don’t know,” he said with a sigh. “God, scrambled eggs taste like crap when they’re cold.”

“I don’t give a shit what you’re eating. I care what she’s eating.”

“Jeez, you give a man your innocence, take his hand in marriage, and suddenly, he doesn’t care about you anymore.”

“You didn’t give me your innocence. Hasn’t she eaten breakfast?” Liam asked in a low voice, sounding concerned.