“Nothing is going to happen to you or me,” he soothed. “You’re having a nightmare, baby. He’s gone.”

“He’s gone?”


“Did you kill him?”

“Yes, I killed him,” he lied. He wished he had.

“I remember you said that you wouldn’t let him hurt me anymore.”

She remembered that? “That’s right.”

“But you left!”

“I didn’t leave, baby girl.” She was killing him. Her cries, the tears running down her face, the scratches on her arms. All he wanted was to take her into his arms and make everything better.

“You did! You left! The first person I saw when I woke up was Detective Sands.”

“Mike said he got a tip-off,” Regent said, referring to the NYPD detective.

“He did,” Nico confirmed. “From us.”

“I watched until they were right there. I promise I didn’t leave.”

That had killed him more than anything. To stand in the shadows, waiting until the cops were close enough he could practically feel their hot breath on his neck. But if he’d stayed then they would have arrested him. The grandson of Sean Carmichael. They wouldn’t have cared that he was innocent. Still, he’d have stayed with her if he had thought she was that coherent. He’d thought her too drugged up to remember.

“You said you’d stay.”

“I stayed as long as I could, baby. I promise.”

“You never break your promises.”

“I don’t. I never break my promises.”

“Promise you’ll always stay with me from now on. Promise.”

“I promise,” he whispered.

“And Nico. You and Nico. The three of us.”

“The three of us, baby girl.” She collapsed, and he leaped forward to catch her. He lifted her up into his arms and she clung to him, her front pressed against his. Glancing over at Nico, he saw the fear and horror in the other man’s face.

“Come here,” he said softly.

“I don’t want to scare her.”

“You won’t. She needs to feel both of us.”

“Why?” Regent snapped. “Why the fuck would she need the two of you when she has her brothers?”

“Because she loves us,” Liam told him. Victor walked out of the room. That was weird.

“What the fuck? And how would that have happened?” Regent asked coldly. “Just what the hell have you been doing with my sister?”

“Nothing like that,” Nico told him.

Regent stepped forward. “If you’ve been using my sister, then there won’t be enough of you to feed all the fish in the ocean once we dump your bodies.”