Darn girl needed to eat. Liam was right about her losing weight. It worried Nico. Most things about their girl did, though.
He worried that he wasn’t gentle enough to ease Liam’s rougher edges. That together they’d be overwhelming. Frightening.
Don’t go borrowing trouble. This is what you want. She’s what you want.
He’d waited a long time to make his move on her. It had been an ache in his heart, not having her with him. As though he was missing a piece of himself. Lottie would complete them.
Nico didn’t know what she’d seen in that worm Michael. That had been a moment of bad taste. He guessed everyone was allowed to fuck up at least once.
Nico had always wanted her. Liam had been more reticent. Nico got it. Change was hard for Liam. He’d known it would take him time to convince him that adding a third wouldn’t destroy their relationship. But it had taken him even longer than he could have foreseen.
Because she’d been kidnapped. Terrorized.
After that, even Nico had been concerned about what to do. He’d tried to push her from his mind.
It hadn’t happened.
His phone buzzed. Liam.
Great. He should have known he wouldn’t keep his nose out of things. For someone who had written off any idea of a relationship with Lottie, he suddenly wanted to move at warp speed.
“Hello, sweetie-pie,” he answered with a grin, making his voice sound light and high-pitched. “Do you miss me? Were you thinking about what we did last night in bed? About my mouth around your cock?”
There, take that, you asshole.
Okay, so he might still be smarting from not being allowed to come last night.
“You’re in fucking trouble now,” Liam growled in response, making him shiver at the deliciously dark tone. “Thought you’d curb that tongue in the hopes that you’d get to come tonight.”
Fuck. Had he pushed it too far?
“That’s okay, I took care of that problem once you left,” he lied.
“I know you’re lying, Nico.”
“How do you know that?” he queried.
“I can always tell. Also, if you had jacked off you know damn well I’d put you in a cock cage.”
Hmm. But maybe he wanted that.
Actually, no, he didn’t.
What he wouldn’t mind, though, was feeling some soft, warm lips around his dick. Watching as Lottie took him deep.
Fuck yeah. He wouldn’t mind that at all.
Damn it, though. Now he was sporting a problem that he couldn’t take care of.
Liam wouldn’t really know if he solved the issue, would he? Nico enjoyed pushing the boundaries. But that was generally to get Liam to bite back.
Nico liked Liam’s bite.
Reaching down, he adjusted himself. He was alone in the dining room, the food on the sideboard likely going cold as he waited for Lottie to make an appearance. With a sigh, he got up and grabbed a plate. He was a growing boy who had to eat.
“So?” Liam snapped.
“So, what?”