“Oh, Liam’s down in the gym too.”

Victor scowled. But she knew it would look weird if she didn’t tell him.

“With you? Alone?”

“Liam’s a friend, isn’t he?”

“Well, yeah.”

“You trust him, don’t you?”

He simply grunted.

“You guys wouldn’t let him and Nico stay if you didn’t. And they’re becoming my friends too. Don’t give him a hard time, okay?”

“You seem different.”

She shrugged. “I feel different. More determined. More in control. That’s a good thing, right?”

“Yeah. Lottie?”


“You know we love you, right?” Victor looked hugely uncomfortable as he told her that.

“Yeah, Vicky. I love you too.”


She could do this.

She could totally do this.

Wow, she really couldn’t do this.

Take a step, moron. Don’t be such a wimp and take a step.

Boy, Liam would be furious if he could hear her thoughts. But they were her thoughts, and he wasn’t privy to them. Only what would she do if he asked her in that low, commanding voice? She doubted she’d be able to resist him.

And if she told him, he’d order her to bend over so he could smack her ass or maybe he’d take her over his knee . . .

Okay. Hush.


She was going to step out of the house. Just a few steps out on her own. There was no danger. One of Regent’s men would be patrolling the grounds. There was always a guard at the front gate.

Nobody was out here, about to snatch her.

She took a step out, holding onto the doorframe.

See? Easy.

Now she just had to let go.

“Lottie? What are you doing, honey?”

“Oh!” She turned with a screech, her hand reaching for her necklace as her stomach dropped. Her flight instinct kicked in, and she nearly took off into the gardens until she saw who was standing there.