“Would you sit on the floor for a few minutes and just rub my leg the way you were rubbing it before?” Elroy said. “I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since I got here and I’m exhausted. It felt so good, and if you stop now I won’t be able to go to sleep for the rest of the night. I know it sounds silly, but I think it will work.”

For the first time since Kyle had met Elroy, he sent him a warm smile. He returned to Elroy’s bed and sat on the floor beneath where Elroy’s leg rested near the edge of the bed. “It’s not silly. It’s the first nice, honest thing you’ve said to me since I met you.” He set his palm on Elroy’s leg and ran it up and down with the same light touch he’d used before.

But Elroy didn’t respond to him again that night. Elroy barely heard a word Kyle said after he sat down next to the bed. When Kyle started rubbing his leg, it only took a minute or two for Elroy to fall into a deep, unconscious sleep. Elroy didn’t realize he snored. He didn’t notice when Kyle stopped rubbing his leg. And he didn’t see Kyle place a cover on his body, stare at him for a moment, and kiss him on the cheek before he went back to his own bed. If he had, he might have done things differently in the future.

Chapter Seven

On Monday morning they went to the dean of freshmen’s office together. Elroy preferred to travel alone and travel fast and Kyle always seemed to be lagging behind him. He found his hand on Kyle’s back, pushing him forward, more than once so he wouldn’t have to slow down. When Kyle objected to this overly aggressive force, Elroy said, “Shut the fuck up and do what I tell you to do. I don’t want to keep that asshole in the dean’s office waiting. I’m not getting kicked out of Harvard my first week here and neither are you. We both need to be here, dude.”

The gray-haired guy in the dean’s office lectured them about responsibility and acting like adults. Elroy never bothered to learn the names of people he didn’t care about, and this man would always be the gray-haired guy to him. The guy chastised them for the pranks they’d played on each other and warned them that if it happened again they wouldn’t get off so easily. It wasn’t as bad as Elroy had imagined it would be, and that was because Elroy had a strong feeling the guy was gay, or bisexual. He kept looking at Kyle’s crotch and licking his lips. Elroy put his hand in his pocket on purpose and started groping his balls in an innocuous way to see if he’d get a reaction. When the gray-haired guy saw this and he pressed his palm to his throat, Elroy knew for certain he could get away with anything in that office.

When he finished lecturing them, Elroy leaned forward across his desk and took the guy’s hand in his. He sent him a seductive smile, licked his lips, and said, “Thank you for not punishing us.” He laughed and leaned closer so that his face would only be inches from the guy’s face. “I was afraid you might put us both over your knee and spank us for being such bad boys. In fact, my buddy Kyle here loves a good spanking once in a while.”

Kyle’s jaw dropped and he flung Elroy a horrified look. The gray-haired guy jerked away and smoothed out his jacket. He cleared his throat and spoke in a deeper, more authoritative tone. “Well, I think that covers it for now. I hope we won’t have to have this discussion again.”

Elroy heard the quiver in his voice and saw the way his eye twitched. He was the type who liked to look at hot young guys but would never act on what he was imagining. So Elroy stepped back and smiled. He grabbed his dick again innocently and said, “Thank you. We really appreciate you giving us another chance.”

Then Kyle thanked him and they left his office at the same time. When they were out in the hall and far enough away so no one could hear them, Kyle grabbed Elroy by the collar and shoved him into the wall. “What the fuck was that all about? I like a good spanking every now and then? Where do you come up with this stuff?”

Elroy laughed and said, “Calm down. I was only joking around. Didn’t you see the way he was looking at us? I thought he was going to start jacking off right there in the office. His leg was actually vibrating. He’s an old perv. I figured we might have to do something a little out of the ordinary to get out of trouble.”

“So you gave him permission to spank me?” Kyle asked. He released Elroy and started walking away from him.

Elroy followed him and grabbed his arm. “I don’t see why you’re getting so upset about it. It’s not like I pimped you out. Besides, he’s not bad looking for an older guy. You could do a lot worse and frankly I think a good spanking might help you.”

Kyle stopped in the middle of the hall and looked at him. “Oh really? And how do you think that would help?”

“For one thing, a good spanking might get rid of the goddamn bug up your ass,” Elroy said.

Kyle jerked his arm free and said, “Let’s get one thing clear up front. I am not promiscuous and I don’t have sex with every man I see. I’m not like you.” Then he turned and went to his first class, leaving Elroy in the hallway wondering what had just happened.

* * * *

They didn’t have any classes together that semester, which

didn’t seem to bother Kyle in the least. But Elroy frowned on this. It would have been nice to have help with his classes. He knew how to get passing grades without studying too hard; it wasn’t beneath him to cheat on occasion. But it would have been nice to get excellent grades with Kyle’s help.

Elroy went out every night of the week to different parties or to hang out with different people—usually frat guys because they turned him on the most. Kyle remained locked up in their room studying and preparing for the classes he had the following day. By the time Elroy would come home around midnight, he would find Kyle either sleeping or in bed reading a book. A few times he asked Kyle to rub his leg again to help him get to sleep. But when Kyle glared at him over a math book, he stepped back and didn’t mention it again.

In a show of good faith, to make up for the devious things he’d done to Kyle, Elroy decided to repay him the best way he knew how. Although he couldn’t be certain, he had a feeling Kyle might be a gay virgin. Kyle had said he wasn’t a virgin, but he didn’t sound convincing enough. Elroy suspected Kyle had most likely experimented with dildos and poppers while he masturbated—all normal gay male teenagers did that sort of thing. But dildos and sex toys cannot ever be compared to the real thing and Elroy wanted to do something nice for a change.