Kyle climbed onto his bed and fastened one set of restraints to his ankles. Then he spread Elroy’s legs and fastened each ankle restraint to the edge of the gun metal gray bed. After that, he fastened the other set of restraints to Elroy’s wrists and hooked them tightly to the metal headboard. When his arms and legs were spread and he couldn’t move them at all, Kyle blindfolded him with something black and silky. He did something to Elroy’s feet for a while and he played with his toes. Then Kyle wrapped something around Elroy’s upper thighs and kissed his knees. He heard something snap and squeak a few times, followed by a sticky feeling on his stomach. The element of danger and not being able to move his limbs or see anything made Elroy’s dick even harder. This was better than anything he could have imagined from his uptight new roommate with thick glasses who wore bowties and short-sleeved shirts. After this, Elroy would never judge anyone at a glance again.

And this had nothing to do with the kinky sex he thought he was going to have that night. After Kyle blindfolded him, he gagged him with a rubber ball that was attached to what felt like laces. Kyle tied the laces at the back of his head and laughed. Instead of going down on him, Kyle jumped off the bed and said, “I’ll see you later, man. I think I’ll go out for a midnight stroll. Have fun.”

Kyle tried to speak but couldn’t. He couldn’t move his arms or his legs no matter how hard he struggled. He couldn’t see anything, not even a shadow. He should have seen this coming. He should have known Kyle would plot his revenge. This was something Elroy would have done if someone had played a prank on him like the one he’d played on Kyle the first day they’d met.

Twenty minutes later, campus security came rushing into the room. They left the door open and a crowd gathered to see what had happened. When the other people saw Elroy hooked up to the bed with the BDSM gear, he heard them laugh so hard security wound up throwing them out of the room. And when the security guys removed the blindfold from Elroy’s eyes and he looked down at his legs, he gaped at what he saw.

While he’d been blindfolded, Kyle had painted his toe nails bright hot pink, and then he fastened hot pink lacy garters to his upper thighs for an added effect. As if this wasn’t enough to humiliate him in public, Kyle then taped a note to his stomach that said, “Spank this Bitch.”

As one of the security officers removed the last wrist restraint from the head board, a tall man with gray hair in a navy sport jacket walked into the room and frowned at Elroy. He’d seen the guy before; he worked in the freshman dean’s office. Elroy could still hear the crowd of people gathered outside the room murmuring and laughing. He knew he deserved something for what he’d done to Kyle that first day, but this was far more than he ever would have expected from anyone.

The gray-haired guy looked down at Elroy and took a quick breath. “I want to see you and your roommate first thing Monday morning. I would have let the little prank you played the first day go, but this is getting out of hand and I want it stopped.” Then he turned, left the room, and chased everyone out of the hall.

When Kyle finally returned from his midnight stroll, he opened the door slowly and glanced at Elroy’s bed. He smiled and said, “You’re still up. I was afraid I might disturb you.” Then he walked in, shut the door, and fell on his own bed and laughed so hard he doubled over this time.

Elroy was removing the pink polish from his toenails. He’d borrowed nail polish remover from a girl he knew from one of his classes. He stopped moving and glared at Kyle. He wanted to get up and beat the shit out of him but he didn’t want to get into any more trouble.

Kyle stopped laughing and shrugged. “Hey man, it was only a joke. I was just playing with you, buddy. Don’t get mad, seriously. I promise I will never do anything like that again. I swear on my life.” He repeated the exact words Elroy had said to him after the jock strap incident.

“How did they know to find me?” Elroy asked.

“I phoned security with your phone, and told them to come,” Kyle said. He pulled Elroy’s phone out of his pocket and tossed it onto his bed.

Elroy stared into his eyes for a moment without saying a word. Though he’d never been more embarrassed in his life, everyone knew this had all been a prank and they would eventually get over it. Besides, it was one of the best pranks Elroy had ever witnessed. He’d figure a way out of it with the guy from the freshman dean’s office. He’d never met anyone he couldn’t handle with the right amount of money—or sex.

Instead of getting mad at Kyle, he smiled and asked, “Are we even now?”

Kyle sat up and leaned forward. He stared him down and said, “That all depends.”

“What does it depend on?”

“It depends on you,” Kyle said.

“You’re very smart,” Elroy said. “But don’t think you can outsmart me. There isn’t anything you can think of that I haven’t already done twice.” Intimidation usually worked well with Kyle’s type: the passive-aggressive that slithers around to get even. And despite Kyle’s protests, he still had a feeling Kyle was a wildcat in bed—most likely a submissive bottom who really wanted his toenails painted pink.

“You’re very arrogant and you think you can get whatever you want because you have money,” Kyle said in an even tone. “And in case you missed what happened tonight, I think I just did do something you’ve never done before twice.”

“Then I guess we’re even,” Elroy said. Though he was still mad, he did respect the guy for getting even with him. He had him pegged all wrong. Most guys like him would have retreated and they wouldn’t have fought back, and not in such an aggressive way. Yet there was nothing overly aggressive about Kyle’s manner or approach. But more than that, he wanted to get into his pants even more now.

“Like I said, that’s up to you.”

Elroy stood up and crossed to Kyle’s bed. He reached down to shake his hand. “Then we’re even.”

Kyle shook his hand and smiled. “And I don’t have to suck your dick or anything?”

Elroy turned and walked back to his bed. He smiled at Kyle and said, “You don’t have to suck my dick, but you might have to suck off a guy from the freshman dean’s office. He knows about the jock strap prank I played on you the first day, and he found out about this little prank and he wants to see us both bright and early on Monday morning in his office.”