Kyle was already in bed reading by then. He looked over the book and said, “I’m not going anywhere now. It’s almost nine o’clock and I’m in for the night.”

Elroy pulled the towel from around his neck and spread his legs. While he glanced down between his legs and dried off his dick, he said, “It’s Saturday night and I’ve made plans for us.” They’d stopped at a sushi bar on the way home from shopping to get something to eat. Elroy screamed when he heard Kyle had never had sushi before. He’d also never seen anyone eat that much sushi in one sitting. After his first California roll, Kyle gorged himself with everything from eel to shark. While Kyle was in the men’s room of the sushi bar, Elroy phoned a couple of guys he knew and set up a date that night. They were twin brothers who never went anywhere alone. Both were gay, both were jocks, and both had been with Elroy already. Although they never had sex with each other, they seemed to be into having sex with the same guy. He figured if Kyle wasn’t interested in him sexually there was no reason why they couldn’t go out and have fun with other guys. But more than that, he wanted to see how Kyle reacted with other men.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Kyle said. He turned on his side and glanced down at his book.

“Yes, you are. Get out of bed and get dressed. I told the guys I’d pick them up around nine thirty.”

It took a while to convince Kyle to get dressed. Elroy had to promise they’d be home by one in the morning. Elroy could be persuasive that way and he eventually talked him into it.

The twins lived off-campus in an apartment building not far from the freshman residence. They were outside waiting next to the curb when Elroy pulled up in the silver Porsche 911. Though they didn’t wear identical outfits, it was hard to tell one from the other. They both had short sandy blond hair cut in the same style, chunky football player bodies, and deep throaty voices. They even had the same thick chunky dicks.

“I’m not sure about this,” Kyle said. “I haven’t been out with anyone since I dated the guy from the restaurant. And I’m feeling strange. Maybe you should take me back and drop me off.”

Elroy ignored him and waved his hand. “You’ll be fine. These guys are fucking wild men.” Then he opened the door and climbed out of the car.

He hugged the twin brothers and opened the passenger door where Kyle was sitting with his hands folded on his lap. He gestured to Kyle and said, “This is my buddy, Kyle. Kyle, these are my buddies, Cheever and Cleaver Weaver.”

Kyle blinked.

Cheever extended his right hand and said, “Hey, man.”

Cleaver stood in the background and waved. “Same here, man.”

Before Kyle could reply, Elroy said, “Climb over and drive. I’m going to sit in the backseat with Cheever and you’re going to sit up front with Cleaver.” Then he grabbed Cleaver’s hand by mistake and said, “It’s nice and snug back there.” There was barely room for one person in the backseat of the tiny sports car. He knew he’d wind up sitting on Cheever’s lap.

But Cleaver said, “I’m not Cheever, I’m Cleaver.”

Kyle rolled his eyes and climbed over the console.

Elroy laughed and said, “I guess I’ll never be able to tell you guys apart.” Then he grabbed Cheever’s hand and pulled him into the backseat. He didn’t mention it aloud, but he didn’t really care whether it was Cheever or Cleaver. He couldn’t tell the difference, and a dick was a dick.

When they were on the road, Kyle glanced into the rearview mirror and asked, “Where are we going? I think I’m getting a headache. I feel strange.”

Elroy was sitting on big, strong Cheever’s lap by then. He’d already opened a bottle of beer, his arms were around Cheever’s shoulders, and his pants were open. Without looking up at Kyle, he said, “Just keep driving around for a while.” Then he handed Cleaver a bottle of beer and turned to kiss Cheever.

Cleaver said, “Thanks, man.” He opened the beer and offered some to Kyle.

Kyle shook his head. “I don’t drink and drive.”

Cleaver put his hand on Kyle’s thigh and laughed. “That means more for me, bud.”

By the time Elroy and Cheever had finished sharing their fourth beer in the backseat, Cheever’s dick was out of his pants and Elroy’s shoes, socks, and pants were on the floor. Elroy still had on his shirt, but Cheever’s hands were in his new red underpants and he was trying to pull them down. Elroy didn’t put up much of a fight either. He arched his back to make it easier. His tongue was too busy mingling with Cheever’s to care about anything other than the nice big dick he was stroking with his right hand. He tended to get that way when he was making out with a man. He often lost track of everything going on around him.

The car came to a halt at a stoplight and Kyle said, “I’m tired of driving around. I have a headache and I’m not feeling well. I think we should pull over somewhere.”

Elroy stopped kissing Cheever long enough to lift his head and look around. They were on a dark road somewhere he didn’t recognize. To his left he saw woods; to his right he saw a dark strip mall. He gestured to the right and said, “Go over there to that parking lot, next to that big truck on the end. We can hang out there for a while. It looks safe.” Then he bent over and licked a drop of pre-come off the tip of Cheever’s dick.

Before the light turned green, Elroy was in Cheever’s arms making out again. In the front passenger seat, Cleaver’s pants were down and he was stroking his dick with one hand and holding the beer with the other. By the time Kyle pulled up next to the truck in the dark parking lot, Elroy’s new red underpants were lying on top of the rest of his clothes on the floor. Elroy spread his legs as much as he could in that backseat and he was rubbing his ass on Cheever’s dick. But when he started to grind his hips, Kyle said, “I’m not feeling good at all. I think I had too much sushi. It could be food poisoning.”

Cheever slid his hands all the way down Elroy’s back and grabbed his ass. “You’ll be fine,” Elroy said. “Open the window and take a deep breath.” Oh, he wished he’d shut the fuck up and stop complaining for once.

Cleaver said, “He looks a little green, Kyle. I think he really is sick.”

By that time Cheever was sucking Elroy’s left nipple and probing his anus with his middle finger. Elroy opened his legs wider and said, “He just needs some fresh air. He’ll be fine.”