"I will."
Perry called, too, asking her to come see him when she felt better and sounding genuinely concerned for her, in his gruff, nineteen-fifties dad way.
Matt called her, as well as others from the office, and one call came in from the same exchange and area code as what had been Lucas' private number, although it was not the same.
Allie stared at her phone for a long time—not really debating whether or not she was going to take the call, but rather regarding it as if it was a snake invading her home as the tears she'd successfully fought back in the bathroom returned with a vengeance to engulf her.
She turned off her phone, even unplugged her landline, then crawled into bed and pulled the covers up over her head, losing herself in the tears she'd been holding back for so long.
But she wasn't one to wallow in them, so, the next morning, she got up—much later than usual, because she'd been crying all night and her tummy had felt a bit funky this morning, which she assumed was left over from yesterday's fiasco—but she had managed to hold off being sick again, thankfully—and plugged her phone in. It immediately began ringing, as did her cell when she turned it on.
Twenty-five messages, fifteen voice mails, and seventeen missed calls.
Jackpot! she thought.
Most were from friends, but there were more from that number she didn't recognize.
She ignored them all, texting only Laura, who had apparently been frantically texting her since early this morning, forgetting that she didn't have to get up to be at work anymore, since she didn't have a job.
I'm up and fine. You can stop worrying.
Riiiiiiiight, she came back with immediately. Like that's going to happen. Btw, answer your damned emails and texts! No one can get a hold of you, so they're all coming to me!
Sorry. I really don't feel like it right now. I'm free for the first time in a long time. I'm going to take some time off. I'll go in and see Perry, eventually.
What're you gonna do? How're you going to live?
Well, if I can get a payout of all that leave I've accumulated—as well as maybe a small severance package—I'll be fine. I don't know. But at least the leave would be nice. And Perry likes me. He'll do what he can to get me severance. It's just me, and I live pretty frugally, as you know. I could exist on that for quite some time, especially if I downsize a bit.
Really? You're just going to give up your life's work? Just like that?
*shrugging* Yeah. It feels scary, but it feels surprisingly right, too. Maybe all of those little changes I've been making have led me to this.
Okay, well, you know I'll support you in whatever you decide to do.
Thanks, Laura. You're a great friend!
You are, too!
Text me if you need anything.
I will.
* * *
For a few days, she did nothing but veg and relax, although she was a worrier and a planner, so doing so eventually wore on her, and she called and made an appointment to see Perry, who still called her every day, although she had thus far refused to speak to him.
When she went in, she did it in jeans and a t-shirt, and everyone acted as if they'd never seen her in casual clothes before. Probably because they hadn't.
There was someone there ahead of her to see the big man, but Perry took her right in, being much too solicitous to her and making her feel a bit creeped out by it.
"Can I get you anything? How are you feeling? You look thin—but good. Do you want something to eat?"
Allie rolled her eyes. "Perry, it's me. Relax."
He took a deep breath. "Sorry. I've been worried about you, kid. What you did was so not like you."
"I've heard that a bit lately," Allie returned acerbically.