Incredulity seeped into his laugh. “I thought I was doing something right—for the both of us, but Dare played me a fool again and again, always a step ahead of me, destroying every chance of joy that anyone around me could get.”
“Except he couldn’t destroy it, could he?”
His harsh brow pinched when he looked at me. “Did he, Dakota? Did he destroy it? Did I destroy it? I kept telling you I wasn’t a good man, and now you see the fullness of that. What I put you and Kayden through…”
A broken sound clawed from his throat, and he looked away as he scrubbed a hand over his face. “It kills me, Dakota. It kills me to know what you both went through. It will forever be the greatest regret of my life.”
He inhaled a shaky breath. “But I don’t want to live my life regretting my choices any longer. When I look at you? When I look at Kayden? I see the man I want to be. The one I should have been all along. The one I’m going to strive to be every day of my life.”
Emotion pressed at my chest, and tears blurred my eyes.
He reached out and ran his thumb over the tiny divot on my chin. “You’re the light breaking inside me, Dakota Cooper. You were the one who taught me what goodness meant. Can you forgive me? Can you look at me and see the man who wants to live for you? Because I choose you, Dakota, and I’m praying you can choose me back.”
I didn’t answer that question.
Instead, I cleared my throat and lifted the tin. “I made something for you.”
Wistfulness gusted through his features, the smallest smile tweaking at the edge of his big red lips. “Of course, you did.”
He took the tin and carefully lifted the lid to the cookies sitting inside. He groaned but didn’t take one, like he was afraid he hadn’t earned the right.
“I made these for you that day. When I came to you to confess my love,” I whispered into the lapping shadows. “I called them Mounds of Joy because you filled me with joy, Ryder, and you still fill me with that same joy. We all deserve to have that person in our lives.”
The air shivered and shook, and Ryder kept looking at me with those gunmetal eyes that pierced and slayed.
“My mom told me recently that the only thing she wanted was for me to be happy. That she wanted me to be fulfilled. That she hoped I would find the one who made my heart and body sing. The one who holds me up when I need lifted, and the one who cheers me on when I’m standing fine on my own. My own heart told me that man would be the one who would stand in the fire for me. Fight for me. Love me with everything he had.”
I took his hand, gathered it up in both of mine, and pulled it against my chest. “My heart made its pick a long, long time ago, and now, after everything, I’ve never been so sure. It’s you, Ryder. It’s always been you. And I see it now—everything you did—your mistakes and your hopes. Your failures and your love. I forgive you because I see you, Ryder—I see you through all of it, and I know your heart is beautiful despite everything that you’ve done.”
His breaths came ragged and short, and he suddenly hopped off the branch and set the tin aside before he approached.
With purpose and care.
He never looked away from my face as he curled his hands around my waist and pulled me down to set me on my feet.
Energy crashed as he framed my face in his big hands.
“Cookie,” he murmured, his thumbs tracing my cheeks. “I love you, and I’m going to for the rest of my days. For as long as these stars shine above us. And I promise you, I won’t ever give you a reason to question that again.”
He took my hand and placed it over the clock that sat on his chest. “And this heart? It is always going to beat for you. Because there aren’t enough days in eternity that could make me forget about you.”
Then he kissed me.
Slowly and powerfully and without any secrets lingering between us.
Because we had become each other’s truths.
No, we didn’t make it here by perfection. It was messy and ugly and riddled with regrets.
But my mother was right—only I could make the decision of who was worthy of me.
And for me, Ryder had earned that right.
Pulling back, he gazed down at me with those dark eyes, but the blackened pools were the clearest I’d ever seen. “It’s our time, Cookie.”
I gave him the softest smile. “It’s our time.”
Ryder threaded our fingers together then reached down and snagged the tin, slanting me a smirk as he did. “I’m going to need these.”