There was no choice left now but the one I’d made to end it. Consequences be damned. Gazing down at Dakota’s son was all the proof I needed.
“You want to watch the Lion King, huh? We just watched that two nights ago.”
“Again, my Rye-Rye.” Another dip of that chin, and that love was pounding wild.
“Lion King it is.”
“Old or new?”
At the sultry voice hitting my ears, I shifted to find Dakota in the arch between the two rooms, wearing that soft affection on her gorgeous face as she watched where Kayden and I stood in front of the television flipping through the options on the screen.
Kayden pointed a chubby finger up at where the TV hung on the wall, jumping in place. “Dis one, Mommy!”
Dakota giggled. “My son is one for the classics.”
“Watch yourself, woman. I was born the year this movie was made.”
A flirty grin ticked up at the edge of that seductive mouth, but because it was Dakota, it dripped this sweetness that slipped through my veins.
A straight shot of honey.
“Don’t worry, Ryder, I always thought it would be sexy to date an older man.”
“Older man?” I let the growl of a warning glide into the words, though it was a lightness that possessed. An easiness that had taken us over.
“That’s right.” She purposefully bit at her lip because the little tease knew exactly how to get me hard.
There she was. Sweet with all that sass.
I stalked her way, real slow. Swore that the air actually trembled around us.
The glow of gravity as it pulled and lured, tugging so deep at my soul there was nowhere else I could go. I looped an arm around her waist and jerked her against me, and I let my palm splay down over her ass as I pressed my cock against her belly.
Her heart thudded, but the flirty smile only grew.
“You’re going to pay for that, Cookie.”
“I do hope that’s a promise.”
With a groan, I buried my face in her throat. “What you do to me, Dakota.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s what you do to me.”
I almost got lost there, except a little hand yanked at the leg of my jeans, vying for his own attention. “Now, my Rye-Rye.”
I pulled back and swooped my tiny tornado into my arms, making him giggle with all that life, little arms flying around my neck as I carried him toward the couch.
“For the record, it is a promise,” I tossed over my shoulder before I sat with Kayden, the kid instantly climbing all over me like he thought I was a jungle gym. I smirked back at her as she hovered across the room then patted the spot next to me. “Now get over here where you belong.”
Dakota came prancing over on her bare feet, so goddamn pretty she stole the breath right out of me. She snuggled into my side, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and flicked off the lights before I pressed play.
The movie came to life, and Kayden was immediately immersed, but I was the one who was mesmerized.
By the both of them.
The way it felt with them in my arms and the calm and peace that surrounded us.
The rest of the week had gone by without Dakota hearing anything more from Kayden’s biological father. It made me hopeful that the prick would just disappear, all while feeling a stab of guilt that I felt that way.
But I wanted to protect this. Shield it. Keep it from any outside threat.
Maybe I felt it even more because the bullshit I was in was coming up quick. What I’d set into motion was getting ready to play out. A squall of agitation thrashed at my spirit because I didn’t know what that was going to look like, but there was no other option.
Not when the choice I’d made was the only one I could make.
By the time the movie had made it halfway through, Kayden was asleep in the crook of my arm with his cheek pressed to my chest, his breaths deep and his little mouth parted where his precious face was tipped up toward me.
Dakota was wrapped in the other, and she’d fallen asleep, too.
I wondered if I’d ever felt a greater significance than I did right then.
Recognizing the treasure that I was holding.
One I could never deserve, but one I would defend for the rest of my life.
Careful not to disturb Dakota, I shifted her around and rested her head against a pillow then stood and carried Kayden upstairs. I laid him in his crib and spread my hand over his back. “Tiny Tornado. The perfect kind of havoc in my life. I’m going to do everything in my power to do right by you. By your mom. I love you more than should be possible. With the kind of love that doesn’t exist. Not until the two of you created it.”