“You’re doing great.”

Evelyn squealed, giggles riding on the summer air. “I can’t even believe it, Ms. Dae. We’re running so fast, I bet I could even win a race.”

We were barely more than walking, but I wasn’t going to correct her.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. It would be Caleb checking in after his flight had landed.

This morning, I’d woken up to the first text of the day. He’d reverted to the typical dry tone of his texts.




Didn’t he know I’d let him know if anything had changed?

He hadn’t mentioned last night.

I supposed I should be thankful for that.

Water under the bridge.

Because I really didn’t want things to become uncomfortable between us.


Too bad I felt like I’d been completely complicated by him. Spun up in a way I wasn’t sure I’d ever before been.

“Time to head back.” I shifted course to head in the direction of the barn.

My stomach sank at the thought of leaving soon. He was probably climbing into his Range Rover at this very moment and starting the hour drive it would take him to get the rest of the way home.

Nerves scattered, pinpricks against my heated flesh.

I was both excited to see him and dreading it at the same time.

I needed to boot the reaction. I couldn’t go around feeling like this.

He’d already made it clear he didn’t have time to strike up something with me, and I didn’t even want that, did I?

“Is it time to go back already?” Evelyn slurred in her adorableness, squinting as we hit the trail and came out from beneath the shade of the trees and into the glare of the day.

“It is. Your uncle is going to be home soon, and it’s going to be time for me to leave, but don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”

“I think I like it the most when you’re here, Ms. Dae. It makes it feel good right here.” Evelyn rubbed the center of her chest.

My heart nearly exploded out of mine.

“Mine feels really good when we’re together, too,” I whispered around the clot of tenderness. Tenderness so fierce it made me feel like I might suffocate.

“That’s because you’re my favorite day.”

I slowed the trot, and I shifted so I could touch her chin, so I could meet her eyes when I said, “You are my favorite day, too.”

She beamed, a bursting flame that struck me to the core.

When we made it back to Mazzy’s stall, I helped her down and showed her how to remove the saddle, even though it was far too heavy for her to do it herself.

She moved toward Mazzy the way I taught her, slowly, without making any quick or jarring motions. She pressed her little face to Mazzy’s muzzle, her little arms going up to wrap around the horse’s neck.

Air puffed from Mazzy’s nose.

“I got the best horse in the whole world.”

“That’s because she has the best owner.”

My phone buzzed again.

Caleb was likely to lose his shit since I hadn’t returned his texts immediately.

“All right, we’d better get back in.” I stretched my hand toward her, pulling her out of the stall and closing the gate. I tugged at it to make sure it was locked.

I started to dig into my pocket for my phone since I could then safely check my messages, only to gasp when I saw movement in the periphery to my right.

I let go of a small laugh when I realized it was Nate. He was leaned against the wooden slats of the stall next to Mazzy’s.

He grinned, all his dimples popping out as he kicked a casual boot back on the wood. “You are a jumpy thing.”

“Not usually. Just extra cautious right now.”

I tipped my head toward the little girl at my side, and his attention slipped to her, his smile shifting from sly to warm. “That’s more than understandable. You have an important job to do.”

Then the flirtiness reclaimed its spot when he returned his gaze to mine. “Boss is heading back. You about off? Thought maybe we could hang out tonight. Get a bite at Time River Market & Café? I’ve heard it’s good.”

“It’s delicious. My best friend owns it.” I could never help but shout praises for Dakota.

His grin kicked at the edges. “Your best friend, huh? Are you sure you’re not just saying that then?”

“Heck no. It’s truly the best. But I think I’m going to have to pass tonight.”


I was going to have to pass forever.

It wasn’t like I owed Caleb Greyson anything, but I couldn’t imagine going out with Nate after what’d happened last night.

I blamed it on those sculpted cheeks and that stony jaw and those full, red lips. Those icy blues that cut through me with the force of a knife.

A freezing cold that had managed to light a fire.

I really would do best to put out that fire, but the truth was, I liked his grumpiness and surliness and outright severity. That energy that felt like a coming storm. Like it might break me apart at any moment and without warning.