Eleven hours, eighteen minutes and twenty-one seconds.

I slam my fist down onto the table, “I want to leave now,” I say through gritted teeth, my younger brother sitting across the wooden dining table, his head ducked down, dark braids falling into his eyes as he lifts them to glare at me.

“This isn’t about you, Flynn,” he says coldly, still working through a mess of paperwork Bennett deemed important for traveling to England.

“I want to leave now,” I repeat, hearing Lynx sigh at my side, Rex lifting his light green eyes from beside Raiden, flicking them between the two of us, little shit punched me.

“You can’t just-”

“Can we please not argue amongst ourselves?” Lynx asks quietly, cutting off my brother’s growl.

His left hand is shaking around a pen that he drops to the table, shoving both hands through his bleached blond hair.

“I want to leave now,” I repeat again, ignoring him, like a dead chant, something that requires blood to summon such a thing, I suppose.

But I could bleed, if it’s for her.

“Good, I’m ready, let’s go,” Bennett’s voice is all business as he strolls into the room.

White button up, the top button open, ink revealed by the rolled sleeves. His black slacks pressed, a silver buckled belt on his hips. His dark brown hair slicked back, gold watch on his wrist.

He looks like a fucking mafioso.

“About fucking time,” I rumble, shoving back from the table, the wooden legs of my chair screeching across the hardwoods as I come to stand.

I’m wearing the same thing, minus the white, my shirt is black and my long sleeves button at the cuffs, but we’re dressed for business, which is funny, because all I have on my mind is violence.

“We’ll meet you at the airport,” Bennett says then as I twist open the front door. “Make sure you get on that plane with or without us. I have told the pilot to go with or without me. We’ll catch up if we have to.”

King says something I don’t hear in response as I take the three front steps down and climb into the passenger seat of Bennett’s car. Tapping my fingers against the top of my knee as I try to wait for him without losing my fucking mind.

I see blood and bones and sinew. Hear screams, painful moans and desperate pleas.

I keep the soundtrack of the near future on repeat inside my head as we drive to Ackerman Medical Clinic. Ignoring Bennett and his incessant rambling about behaving until he says otherwise. I roll my eyes, staring out of the window as we pull up to the clinic, the place in darkness.

Bennett switches off the engine, and we wait in silence, staring at the backdoor of the building where one of our guys is already inside. The door opens, and together we step out of the car, closing the doors quietly. We make our way across the nearempty lot, and enter quietly. Bennett talks with our guy, but I’m already slinking my way down the hall to the room at the very end.

Applying pressure to the handle, it goes down silently, and I slip inside.

The guy in the bed is asleep, low lighting is on around the clinical room, all white floors and walls, white sheets. There’s a TV playing silently, subtitles dancing along the bottom in white lettering rimmed in black, and the picture flickers over the patient. Two arms propped up in blue casts.

Chris Matthews.

Bennett wants to question him after Poppy told us all the weird shit he said about their dads working together and Bennett then spent the last nine hours on the phone withcolleagues,trying to piece together more than what Chris divulged as he attempted to rape my Angel.

Bennett says he knows everything now, but I didn’t ask him what that meant. I don’t really give a fuck about the facts. Not while my mind was wholly consumed with Chris Matthews’ murder.

“We aren’t murdering him, Flynn,” Bennett says as he tucks his hands into his pant’s pockets, having silently entered the room from my right.

I hum, clicking my jaw.

I’ll do what I want.

“Let me lead, get the answers I want out of him, and I’ll let you break his leg,” Bennett says, cocking his head, both of us staring at the slimy little rapist in the hospital bed.

“I want to break his fucking neck.”