“Is she alone?” the question sort of tears out of me in a choked fashion, the words cracking as they escape my lips.

And as I look up, I realize they were all talking, each of them staring at me from beneath scrunched brows, slightly narrowed eyes.

“She has two friends,” King says then, licking his lips, almost nervously. “I texted one of them to go to her.”

She stepped in front of a train.

I can’t even blink. Seeing it, the train, the way she just… stepped back. The look on her pretty face. Something dark. Something like relief. I froze when I should have moved like the others, Flynn and Raiden getting to her before Rex, all three of them nearly sucked under the train. It was long, long seconds before the train flew past, my heart the only thing I could hear, and the three of them, bodies tangled, were revealed unharmed.

King holding her face in his hands, kissing her lips, smoothing her hair, speaking too low for me to hear his words, but I can imagine. And the way that Flynn was solid at her back, letting her trembling body lean against him. Between the two brothers that might actually be worthy of her. The way Rex barrelled over towards them, sliding through the earth on his shins to get his hands on her. He, too, probably the worthiest of us all.

I’m no good for her.

“Are they…” I swallow, not even really sure of my question.

Are they safe? Can we trust them? Will they hold her when she cries?

“She’s fine with them,” Raiden says sharply, and I wonder for a moment what they were talking about before I interrupted.

What things I should have been listening to. Paying attention to. All the ways in which Raiden will undoubtedly attempt to fix this shit.

If it’s even possible.

I clench my jaw, thinking of fucking her, pulling out of her and coming on her fucking back. Because she’s not on any birth control and I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world to knock her up with my demon spawn. But also, I’m not a fucking terrorist. I wouldn’t put my kid in her just to fuck up her life more. She doesn’t need shit from me to aid in that.

“What’re you doing?” Poppy whispers from my passenger seat as I pull into the parking lot of the pharmacy.

Slowly, I drag my gaze over to her, putting the car in park, and releasing my restraint, leaving the engine running so the heat stays on for her. Her long legs are pulled up tight to her chest, the seat belt wrapped all the way around her, I’m not sure it’d save her if we were to crash, but she’s a smart girl, she probably knows that.

“Getting you Plan B,” I look away then, her long, gold-streaked dark hair heavy in her lilac eyes.

“Why?” her voice is like a haunting in the dark space of the car, the scent of leather and liquor andherflooding my senses.

It’s intoxicating. Being around her. Someone I’m supposed to want to destroy.

“Because I protect you,” I tell her, even knowing it’s a lie.

Chapter 36


Through the wood of the door, I can hear them.

Murmuring, whispering, a cooing type sound, something soothing you’d attempt to calm an unsettled baby.

My forehead rests against the cool, polished surface, hands gripping the white painted frame either side. Tip of my nose pressed hard enough to hurt, my breath forming small clouds of fog against the wood.

I want to go back to that first day. When I first saw her. She needed help. And I was there. And I did, help. And together, something formed between us, something I’ve never felt before. A feeling that swooped in my stomach, fluttered in my heart. Even when I woke up, finding her gone, it made me smile a little. Knowing she’d be back, that we shared a room, that I’d have something my brothers didn’t.

That she couldn’t escape me.

It’s why I didn't tell them right away. A little selfishly, I wanted to keep her to myself. Make her want me, know then, that even after meetingthem, Rex, King, she’d never look at anyone but me.Seeanyone but me.

I’ve had so much torn away from me in my life, it felt as though the world was finally gifting me something.

Only then to laugh in my face, stab me in the heart and rip it all away.

I think of her wide, wet eyes, the bruises to her cheekbone, the way she was so fucking high, she laughed as she sobbed in that shower. And I let the world see it. I exposed it to the world, the pain thatIcaused her.