I scoff, “You’re fucking unbelievable.”

“Because I care about you?”

“Because it’s an invasion of fucking privacy!”

“Are you taking drugs, Lynx? Because that Molly I found hidden down the back of your toilet system was definitely not my Venom.”

“Ohhh,” I drag out, chuckling darkly. “That’s what this is about?” I scoff again, shaking my head. “If it’syourVenom, thenit’s okay for me to get fucked out of my head? But because that was notyourVenom, I have a fucking habit? That it?”

“If you have nothing to hide, why are you so angry?”

“Because I’m not taking any fucking drugs!” I scream it, spittle flecking his cheekbone as I get right in his face, knocking my nose into his as our foreheads grind into one another.

“Bro, what the fuck?” Raiden’s groggy voice sounds from the room opposite, even over the erratic pounding of my pulse, the drumming in my ears, I can hear him, like a voice of reason. “Why are you fucking screaming? Isn’t it bad enough I’ve had to listen to you two fuck all day? And just when I think you’re finally done, you decide to have a fucking fight.”

He pushes the door open wider, forcing both me and Rex to part, move further back into the room, only for him to leave it open, blocking the exit with his shoulders brushing frame to frame.

“Why’d you have it then, if you’re not taking it, why’d you hide it? Where’d you get it from?” Rex questions, ignoring our exhausted best friend completely.

“Get what from where?” King blinks, trying to wake up, scrubbing a hand down his face, hissing as he catches his eyebrow piercing with the side of his palm, it almost makes me smirk, the kick she landed to his face when we dragged her out of the trunk.

Hands balling into fists at my sides, I grit my teeth, look over his shoulder, out of the doorway, at King’s open one opposite. It feels wrong to say it, even though I can’t stand her. But to out her like this feels off. Then I think of not being allowed to visit my dad in jail, my mom lying blank faced in bed for months at a time. How I lost both parents, just like that, and I remember why I shouldn’t fucking care.

Don’tfucking care.

I feel some sort of smug satisfaction as my eyes find theirs, my gaze flicking between the two of them, steely gray and pale green, “You really want to know?” I raise a brow, the corner of my mouth curling up with a smugness I don’t truly feel.

“I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t,” Rex huffs impatiently, King glancing between the two of us in confusion.

“What’s going on?” he asks gruffly, tattooed chest inflating with a deep inhale.

“Hendrix went through my room and wants to know where I’m getting my supply from,” I stare at Rex as I speak to King, Rex’s eyes narrowing with each word.

“The fuck?” King splutters, face turning ashen, “What the fuck you got drugs for, man?”

Roving my gaze from Rex to King, “I took them off of your little whore,” I spit. “Tryna save her from her fucking self,” I scoff like I can’t believe I cared enough to bother. “She’s got a nice little pill habit,” I laugh harshly, something sharp spiking in my chest as I do, but I ignore it, keeping the cockiness plastered on my face like a well worn mask.

King looks at me in disbelief, but he doesn’t try to argue with me, doesn’t deny it. It’s clear he didn’t know, but his brow creases in thought, as though maybe he saw signs and didn’t add them together.

But Rex, Rex drops his gaze down, shifting his feet uncomfortably.

I bark a laugh then, loud, raucous, it’s not even forced when tears fill my eyes with emotion I can’t place.

Feet thunder down the stairs from the third floor, both Flynn and my brother, Bennett, appearing in the hall now.

“What the fuck is going on down here?” Bennett snaps as though it’s not five-p.m., but considering we were up all night, I get why he’s pissed at being woken up. Dark eyes glancing overall of us standing in Rex’s door frame, he sucks on his teeth, “Well?”

“This is gold,” I chuckle, keeping my attention on Rex. “You knew,” I scoff, shaking my head. “Lemme just get this shit straight-”

“Lynx, what the fuck is going on?” my brother demands.

I think of how Bennett fucked her last night when my eyes meet his dark ones, like it wasn’t new to him, but equally, like it meant nothing. I don’t buy it. She’s getting under all of their skin.

I turn to him sharply, a snarl on my mouth, “Shut the fuck up, Bennett.” Jabbing my finger into Rex’s chest, his light green eyes flicked up on mine, “So you,” I spit. “Got a problem with your booty call taking drugs, but forced me off to rehab, so you could do what? Find a new little junkie to take my fucking place?!” I’m bellowing my words now, rage like I have never felt swarming through me.


“Lynx, dude,” Flynn starts, stepping closer to Bennett’s back.