“I don’t give a fuck if she’s okay,” I snap back, eyes opening, gut twisting like my intestines are tying a noose around my heart. “Her family ruined mine, don’t you fucking forget that,” I inhale sharply, reminding myself, anger pulsing through my veins. “She put my dad in jail,” I bite down on my teeth, pressing my tongue to the inside of them.

Rex doesn’t move, his light green eyes on mine, a little sadness in his frown that I want to smooth out, but I don’t, I don’t reach for him.


“Shedidn’t, Lynx,” he settles on finally, “she was five.”

I suck in a breath, rolling away, forcing him off of me. I turn to the edge of the bed, kick my legs over the side, stoop down to reach for my boxers.

“What we did… You liked her,” Rex says lowly, attempting to get his deep rumble to sound soft. “I think you more than liked her, if we’re being perfectly honest, Lynx. The way you look at he-”

“Looked,the way Ilookedat her. Past fucking tense, Hendrix, leave it the fuck alone.”

“I don’t like what we’re doing,” he says next as I stand to pull up my underwear. I glance over my shoulder at him, “In fact, I hate it. You bruised her fucking face, man. Shoved her to the ground with apunchto her back. You’re like a hundred pounds heavier than her!”

“Yeah,” I agree, nodding, gritting my teeth so hard, I think they may snap. “And that was just the start.”

I grunt under my breath, thinking back to all those weeks ago, fucking her in the shower, slamming her into the wall. How I couldn’t sleep for two days because of it, the guilt. And then last night.

Purple bruises, bloodshot eyes, pleading and crying and-

“We could have killed her last night,” Rex replies sharply, an involuntary breath sucking sharply through my nose. “She could have died.”

Hands trembling, jaw locked, teeth clenched, my eyes burn.

I hear him shifting up from the bed, my back still to him as I thread my legs through my sweatpants.

“Why are you fucking being like this? This isn’t you,” he sighs, sounding a messy mixture of exhausted and disgusted.

Two things I am overly familiar with.

“You did it too,” I remind him, thinking of how he smiled at her cries, fucking her on the tracks, his lips to her ear.

She cried less when Raiden said he could kill her. Like she was… relieved.

My blood runs cold, and I push thoughts of last night out of my head.

Rex moves around the bed, stopping at the end of it as I turn towards the door. He steps in front of me, blocking my exit. Rex is taller than me by a couple inches, a little older, broader, he’s more weighty than I am, he weight trains in the gym with Flynn, but he’s not going to keep me inside this room if I want out of it.



“Rex, get out of my way,” I sigh, scrubbing a hand over my bleached blond hair, too tired to find my fight.

My body aches, bruised, tired, I’m bone fucking tired, and I don’t want to do this now. I want to shower, to wash thoughts of her off my skin, her scent, her tears.

Rex doesn’t move, staring down at me, and I drop my gaze, noticing he, too, now has sweats on. His tattooed feet bare, I stare at the swirls of intricate, colorful ink so I don’t have to look at his face.

“Is this because of the drugs I found in your room?” he asks me almost silently, my head snapping up so fast, I almost give myself whiplash.

“What?” I blink, fury flooding through me like my fight or flight instincts have finally kicked in. “You went through my fucking stuff?”

“Yes,” he deadpans, unashamedly, holding my gaze. “Because you came home from the bar the other week looking shifty and I wanted to check on you.”

I think back,her,again.Herfucking drugs,myfucking sanity. I wanted to help her. Not see her go down the same path as I did. Maybe we could have helped bring her out of the dark. Memories of last night hit the forefront of my mind, and I know that’s never going to happen now. We’ve broken her. She’s done.

It’s what we -I- wanted.