Lynx was the first guy I met, in a time of a panic, he kept me calm, kept me safe. Held me.

I sense the tears fall more than feel them as they roll down my cheeks. Drip from my chin.

Bennett’s breath is like lava over my skin, his nose flush with the side of my neck, breathing hard. His short grunts vibrate down the column of my throat, ricocheting down my vocal cords like they’re sounds of my own making.

That’s when I hear the train.

My head snaps to the right, and I can see it, the flare of light in the distance, moving closer, getting brighter.

“Your life is in my hands,” drawing back my attention, Lynx chuckles darkly, glancing down at his cock. “How does it feel to know that your life hangs on the time it takes for me to come, little slut?”

A sharp breath pierces through my lungs, erupting in my chest cavity, catching in my throat.

I almost loved myself.

When I was with them.

I almost did.

I miss the way he said my name, the way he’d call me Treasure with some semblance of love. Caring and soft, and itwas all just for me. The way no one had ever been like that with me before. I think of watching him on the ice, gazing up at me, in front of thousands of people, the way he smiled, beamed at me like he couldn’t wait to get me in his arms. The night it all changed.

“Why?” the words rasp from my tongue, like knives in my throat. “What did I do?” I whisper, my voice catching in the wind, Bennett slowing at my back, like he wants to listen, maybe he wants to say something.

Does Lynx know the things I’ve done with his older brother? Raiden’s older brother? Perhaps it was a plan of theirs all along, maybe this was all just some sort of game that I don’t understand, not knowing the rules, I could never win.

“Why?” Lynx grits out, still working his cock, clearly not wanting to touch me.“Why?”it’s a snarl, the second time, the way he repeats it, his upper lip curling, his bleached-blonde hair flapping over his eyes in the wind. “You want to knowwhy?”

“Yes,” I swallow, throat dry, “I want to know why.”

Slowly, he grins at me, this ominous, sadistic smirk that shows too many teeth.

He steps right up to me then, his cock level with my face where I’m still on my knees, his brother fucking into me harder and faster than before, but I don’t take my eyes from his.

“Because you ruined my family, you ruined our lives, you forced my brother into a life of crime, you fucking little whore. That’s fucking why,” he snarls and then his cum is hitting my face.

Eyes snapping shut as he paints me with his release, the hot sticky mess hitting my cheek, my chin, my brow, the tip of my nose, dripping onto my cupid’s bow.

The train sounds its horn, getting closer and closer. I can feel the vibration of it thrumming through my bones as Bennett pulls out, finally comes, jets of cum hitting my backside, his big handsrubbing his release into my flesh, mixing it with his brothers’, slapping each cheek.

Lynx spits on the ground between my knees. My line of sight following it with morbid fascination.

“Get up, Lollipop,” Bennett says in my ear, something cold cutting through the ties binding my hands, before he shoves away from my back.

Forcing me to flop forward, pins and needles fizzing through my fingers as I plant them on the ground to save myself, little stones pricking the soft skin of my palms.

Bennett tucks himself away as I blink open my eyes, I watch the two Adams brothers join the line up of the other three.

The train races down the tracks, all of them staring at me, except for Lynx, his back is already to me, pushing his way back through the trees. I glance between them all, wondering why I ever trusted any of them. Wonder what is so broken inside of me that I allowed myself to latch on like a fucking leech to the first people to pay any sort of warm attention to me.

Except for Bennett.

There’s not really affection there, no real tenderness, but I think back to the car journey, the way he took care of me that night after we met in the bar. And I wonder if what happened there meant anything to him at all.

Rex takes a step forward, lines cutting deeply through his features as he stares at me, and I feel nothing. Desensitised, in this moment, to my feelings.

I think of my father, how he hates me. How my mother loved me but was brutally torn away from me, leaving me like this, with him, someone who despises me that is supposed to be my family.

I see the darkness, the edges of my vision shadows. All of me like an old, disintegrating house, creaky doors and shatteredglass. So much pain, so much sadness, I wish a passerby would set me on fire.