He stares at me, his face angled down, eyes flicked up, cheekbones casting shadows down his jaw, carving him into a ghoul. His dark brown hair is short, pushed back, the sides shorn, but it looks messy, unkempt, like he’s been carding his fingers through it again and again.

He tilts his head, and I think of the first time we met, the way his arrogance boiled my blood, at the same time his broad smirk devastated my insides, but I couldn’t wait to escape him. Escape the forbidden feelings he elicited inside me. Because there werewarning bells ringing in my head within seconds of breathing the same air as him.

My thighs twitch, heat gathering in my lower belly even as panic flares bright in my chest, thinking of the last time I saw him. Fucking him as easily as I did his brother. In the same grimy bathroom. Because I have no class, easily spreading legs, a brain that doesn’t ever tell me to stop, stop,stop.

I wonder if he told them.

If any of them know.

About Bennett.

Shrinking back against what I hope is the lesser evil, I squeeze my eyes shut tight, feel the last drops of salty pain slip from them. Rex’s fingers flex into the muscles of my biceps, almost like reassurance.

Whatever is going to happen here isn’t going to be good.

And Rex is no hero either.

Bennett steps into my front, but I don’t open my eyes, feeling the heat from his body roll into mine. The backs of his fingers graze my icy cheeks, he hooks them into the rag, pulling on it and shoving it down.

A great gasp leaps into my lungs, making me cough, hunch over, splutter and heave. Sickness sits low down in my belly, but acid burns my oesophagus anyway, like a reminder it’s still there, won’t take much to spill out. But as I try to remember the last time I ate, coming up with nothing, I let that worry die a death.

Rex rights me when my coughing subsides. Holding onto me once again. I stare at Bennett, trying not to fucking cry. I want to lunge at him, smack that smug, dark look off of his handsome face and demand to know what the fuck his problem is.

Because I don’t understand what the fuck I’ve done to any of these wicked, vile, noxious boys.

“This is your reckoning,” Lynx’s voice snarls, and it almost breaks the bones of my chest cavity, the viciousness in which he speaks it.

His voice is at my back, and I know that must mean Raiden is here, somewhere out of my line of sight, too. But then I remember that first scent, vanilla-sandalwood, the huge, hard body I was thrust into,Flynn.And I don’t understand why he would be here, if he is. Are they friends?

Heat flushes over my skin like a sweat laced tsunami and I forget all about it being cold.

God, what if he told them my secrets, the things I have confessed to in the quiet, dark seclusion of his office.

Bennett steps back, giving me space, and my head pounds with the throbbing pain in my face, an ache in the base of my spine from being tossed about in the car boot. I try to look over my shoulder, to see who is here, but I don’t need to bother as the three men at my back, bar Rex who still holds onto me, step into view.

All of them in black, four men now stand before me, each of them I’m intimately familiar with. It makes my heart riot in my chest, my eyes pinging between them all.

Bennett and his dark, delving eyes. King’s stern expression, his cold glare. Lynx’s snarling upper lip, lifted brow. And Flynn, a familiar tilt to his head of black curls, lift to one corner of his mouth, the unexpected one. I think it hurts the worst.

Is this why he was trying to get me to leave?

But I couldn’t have gotten away that fast, and he knows that, if he knew about this, what was going to happen to me.

Before I can ask, force my jaw to unlock, teeth to unclench, Flynn steps closer, eating up the few feet of space between us with his long legs. And even in the dark, my eyes track the way his thick thigh muscles twitch and flex beneath his tight joggers, something I have never seen him wear before. Rex leaves myback as Flynn reaches us, the warmth of his big hands leaving an icy shudder in his wake.

Flynn’s deep blue eyes look like ink in the dark as they glide across the mess of my face, taking in the tears, spit, a culmination of my fear. I don’t know what I look like, but I can feel all of these things drying on my face.

It feels uncomfortable, my vulnerableness now, in front of Flynn. I thought he was something different, but then, I thought that about them all not more than six weeks ago.

The ways they touched me, held me, fucked me. All of it had feeling and it wasn’t one sided. No matter what my father tries to convince the world of, I’m not crazy. I know what I felt. The way they treated me.

It was real.

Flynn leans in, head canted to one side, the tip of his nose runs along the curve of my jaw, up past the front of my ear, stopping at my temple as he breathes me in, slow and deep. My entire body trembles, but I don’t move, there’s nowhere I could go, even if I ran, my hands behind my back, I’m no match for these five.

I stare into his blue eyes, shadowed in the night, his thick, black curls dancing across his pale forehead in the wind. His cheek comes to mine, his lips beside my ear, he scruffs his short stubble against my skin, marking me, despite the tacky mess on my face.

“I guess I should have mentioned before, Raiden's my little brother,” Flynn says, answering my unspoken question.