The snow is melting, but the wind isn’t going anywhere. Bitter slaps of it hit my sweat slicked face, hands fisted at my sides, I stride across campus, feet taking me where they need to fucking go. Instinct, the only thing driving me.

My fingers curl over the top of the doorframe when I get to my destination. Only the wood of the door betweenus, separating me from her. Glancing down, there’s a soft glow coming from beneath the door, but not much else, I listen through the wood, waiting to hear shuffling, movement, footsteps. Anything.

“She’s sleeping,” a woman’s voice sounds at my back.

Without moving away from the door, fingers still tight to the frame, I glance over my shoulder, the door of the room opposite is open, a tall, attractive, athletically built girl stands in the frame in workout gear. Dark brown skin sweat slicked, thick pile of braids twisted up high on her head. She runs her dark gaze down my body, her upper lip twisting like she finds me severely lacking, and then she pops her hip, lifting a brow.

“You’re not good enough for her,” she states, likeA,I give a flying fuck about what she thinks, andB,like she knows my girl better than me.

Fuck that.

“Yeah?” I toss back, hatred in my narrowed gaze, but the girl doesn’t even shift.

“Yeah. Y’all are a bunch of fucking assholes. Leave her the hell alone. If you don’t fuck off, I’ll call campus security.” Then she slams her fucking door so hard it makes my brain rattle inside my skull.

I keep staring at the door over my shoulder, and I can hear the girl inside, muffled voices, and I wonder if she’s already calling them. That’s the last thing I fucking need.

Without hesitation, applying pressure to the round, locked door knob, shoulder straining, my entire body trembles with the force I apply. Vein pulsing in my temple, tendons standing rigid in my neck, I twist the handle in the wrong direction, and with a metallic rattle and crack, the lock gives way.

I move into the room, closing the door at my back, which absolutely does not close properly anymore, I glance around in the darkened room, little stringed bulbs around the windowalight. I grab the desk chair, propping it beneath the busted handle. That’s when I hear the door opposite open again, holding my breath, I listen, waiting, and then the door closes, no footsteps outside in the hall.

Heart thundering in my chest, breath sails out of me, her scent in the room, my fists flexing by my sides as I stare at her.

Splayed out on her bed, beneath a thick comforter, a dark coloured blanket, her arms on her pillow, curled loosely around her head. Messy tangles of dark, gold-streaked hair fan across the white pillow, her chin tilted up and to the side.

In sleep, she looks peaceful. I’ve watched her before, like this, that first night we met, her deep, even breaths puffing across my bare chest, her small hand splayed over my heart. I could barely sleep, even with my brothers on her other side, Rex spooning her back, Lynx on his other side, their combined weight pushing her against me closer. I wanted to touch her again, her face, her hair, her delicate features, her soft skin, round breasts, but instead, it was as though I could hardly breathe. Having her in my bed, between me and two of the closest people to me, my brothers.

We’d never shared a woman before, not for more than running a train on some sorority girl at a house party once. And that’s where that ended, the girl told everyone she was dating all of us and the whole thing was a fucking mess, that’s why we stopped. I didn’t wanna fuck around with anyone, not if they were gonna run their mouths after. I don’t need everyone hearing about my dick and what I do with it.

That’s why I couldn’t sleep.

We promised each other a girl would never come between us, and there we were, with one literally between us. And I didn’t hate it.

Poppy came into our lives and in an instant of merely seeing her, I didn’t want her to ever leave. Then I got her in my bed,where she burrowed beneath my skin, infected my heart and filled my head with nothing but her.

It wasn’t love at first sight.

It was something else.

Something more.

And now I’m going to ruin her life.

Silently, I move closer, needing to see her, needing to be close, and it’s best she doesn’t see me. The vile things I could do to this beautiful girl gnaw at me like rodents feasting on my internal rot.

Looming over her, listening to her steady, even breaths, watching her chest rise and fall, so slow and deep, I know she must have been asleep for some time. I can’t help but touch a strand of her hair, even tangled, it’s still so silky soft, it makes me think of the rest of her. All of that pretty, pale skin, the bright blushes that hit her cheeks with a beautiful red, then travel lower, down her throat, over her chest, down her breasts.

Carnal desire rushes through me, my cock beating with my pulse as my heartrate flies higher. I can’t help myself, tracing a lone finger across her open hand, knuckles against her pillow, limp fingers curling in toward her palm. My fingertip brushes across hers, each one, just a subtle touch. I stare at her chipped nails, the warm cast of light from her string bulbs around the window just enough to see her.

Her luscious lips are parted, the bottom one so heavy and thick, it almost looks like it’s being dragged down. My thumb grazes over her forehead, curling around her temple, across the arch of her cheekbone, down the length of her petite nose, stopping at her cupid’s bow. The defined shape of it so enticing, I want to glide my mouth over it, trace the edges with my tongue.

She sighs, this soft, breathy deep exhale, a tiny satisfying sound threading through her lips. I still, feeling the rush of breath against my hand, sending goosebumps up the length ofmy arm. My gaze drifts down from her face, over her chest covered with the comforter, and I can’t help it, I can’t suppress the urge to see her.

Fingers curling over the top edge of the comforter, I slowly roll it down, revealing her tiny, white tank top. Her nipples puckering beneath it at the exposure to the cold air, my mouth salivating to warm them with my tongue.

I keep pulling down the sheets and blankets, flicking my eyes between her body and her face, ensuring I don’t wake her. I need to be close to her right now, but she can’t know that. I want to be soft with her. I want to comfort her, to rock her in my arms, to wipe away her tears, to tell her I-

Stopping my thoughts, I shake my head, moving my gaze back down her body, the dip of her belly, shadow of her navel, and then the small cotton panties low on the jut of her hip bones. I suck in a small breath through my teeth, seeing her like this, exposed to me in the darkness, like I’m the monster that just crawled out from beneath her bed, waiting for a moment exactly like this.