All dark features. Rich, straight brown hair, even darker brown eyes, with olive tanned skin, a ridged pale green vein running up the side of his neck. Licks of black ink peeking out from his shirt cuffs, his collar. He was tall and muscular and intimidating, kind of a dick. He called me Lollipop, and I… I liked it. The way he popped thepop.
I giggle out loud, smacking my fingertips to my lips, hiding my smile even behind the curtain, because despite it being two-a.m., there are other people in here, showering, washing their faces at the sink. But I can't stop the giggle from escaping again.
I think of the Molly I took back in our room, after Lynx stepped outside for his phone call, promising he'd come join me as soon as he was done.
Lynx was riding a high after his win, I was getting overwhelmed, he wanted me to be excited and I was, until I wasn't.
Too many people were huddling around us as everyone celebrated the team in Graves. And I thought about giving Lynx my stash the last time we were there and it made me itch all over thinking about him flushing them. It's not that I couldn't get more, I already had more, back in our room. I have pills hidden all over in it, but I didn't take any with me to the game or the after party and I was anxious to get home. I wanted to be happy for him.
So it's the first thing I did the moment I was alone, the high settling in me almost instantly as it mixed with all the alcohol I'd consumed throughout the night.
Hot water beats down on my face as I angle my head back, letting the shower spray soak my hair, washing the smell of cigarettes and cheap beer down the drain. The boys wanted us to stay with them, but Lynx wanted me to himself tonight. Wanted to talk to me, he said. King and Rex didn't seem to mind, looking proud that Lynx's first return game was played so well. It was my first hockey game ever, if I don’t count watching their training, and every moment of it felt like I was riding a high. I couldn't take my eyes off of Lynx or King as they dominated the ice, and Rex talked me through everything that was happening. It was exhilarating.
And when Lynx scored that goal, his eyes on mine instead of the puck, my belly swooped and my ears popped and church bells fucking chimed in my skull.
But only for the moment. Then the darkness rushed back in, a reminder that the happiness was temporary.
I should end this now.
My heart races in my chest, pulse thrumming in my neck, I can hear my blood rushing in my ears. I feel heavy and light andI'm smiling even though I have an insane urge to cry. But the high of the Molly and the heat of the alcohol keeps me afloat enough not to let my smile fall.
Cold air hits my hot skin as Lynx wrenches open the shower curtain, a shrill sound escapes me, choked off by his hand as he climbs into the stall wearing all of his clothes, his boots.
His red-brown eyes are wild, flicking between my own as he digs his fingers into the sides of my neck, squeezing his palm over my windpipe, his thumb crushing the corner of my jaw.
My face twists into a frown, hands flying to his, my breath stalled in my lungs, no oxygen able to get in or out. Twisting me around in his hold, he lifts me off my feet, and I heave in a great gasp of air as his hand momentarily leaves my throat. But then he's slamming me face first into the tiled wall, knocking all of the air from my lungs. I ignore the bruising pain in my right cheek, my brow, the same one he slammed into a door only days ago as he presses me into the wall.
Lynx drops his weight to my spine, ripping the shower curtain closed at his back, some of the metal rings pinging against the wet floor as they tear free.
“Lynx,” I groan, my breath a puff of condensation over the slick tiles.
Gasping at the feel of his rough jeans against my bare, wet thighs. The shower spray directed only on him now, my body shivers, goosebumps razing across my flesh. The tiles cold, my skin wet, Lynx's heat heavy and welcome over my back.
Everything hurts, but I'm laughing anyway, giggling even as pain bolts through my teeth, jaw smashed into the tiles. Lynx's breath is a quick rush down the side of my throat, my hands splayed on the wall, he kicks my feet apart. Using one hand to hold my head flush to the tiles, pressing heavily against the side of my face. The back of his other grazing over the flesh of myarse, he reaches between us flicking open his jeans, tearing down the zipper. And then his cock is thrusting up inside me.
A moan trembles through my chattering teeth, pain aching in my face, but it feels good too, the way it spears out from my cheekbone, up through my temple, pulsing in my nose.
Lynx says nothing as he fucks me hard and fast, his hips smacking into me, my head swimming, it fucking hurts, but I'm laughing again. Teeth clacking, I grind my jaw, let my high flood through me. I am so desperate for Lynx's big hands on me, his rough skin traversing my smooth, but I kinda want them anywhere but where they currently are. Applying his weight to my head, a bruising grip on my hip. My head feels as though it might explode with the pressure from his palm but I moan anyway as he pounds into me from behind, his forehead dropped to my shoulder, all of his clothes on.
An orgasm builds, sweeping through me, tumbling around in my belly as it grows faster and faster. I bite down on my tongue, taste blood and I want him. I want him so badly, and he isn't looking at me, he isn't touching me, not really.
“Lynx,” I groan out, no longer giving a fuck about anyone else listening, but the thought of that, of people listening, only makes me wetter. “Lynx, please,” I almost sob, his fingers almost tunnelling their way beneath my skin. “Lynx, Lynx, Lynx, please,” I chant, trying to lift my head, trying to see him through the slight gap in his splayed fingers smothering the side of my face. “Please, Lynx,” it's a wailing now, pain and pleasure rolling through me as my release climbs higher and higher, “Kiss me. Please,Lynx, kiss me.”
He doesn't. Instead, grunting against my left shoulder, he buries his teeth into my flesh, biting so hard I scream behind gritted, bared teeth with the pain, his own sinking deeper and deeper into my flesh. Tears prick my eyes, the intensity blinding me as I squeeze them closed tight. The edges of my visionblurring black then white and then I'm coming with him as he slurps at my shoulder. Teeth still sunken, tongue rolling over the painful skin, he fills me with his release. His cock pumps into me as he finishes, once, twice, my pussy tightening around him, trying to suck him deeper, and then he's pulling out of me painfully.
He releases me from his crushing hold, from his teeth. Cold air rushing in to greet my goosebump smattered skin. I slump against the wall, breath heavy, misting the wet tiles, his hand cracks against my arse, the clap a loud echo in the silent room, nothing but our shower water making any sound.
I glance over my shoulder, ignoring the dark purple colouring I can see in the very bottom of my vision, my line of sight only wanting to find him. But Lynx isn't looking at me, his hands fisted at his sides, cock already tucked away as if he didn't have it inside of me just a few seconds ago.
Pain, a different kind of pain, the emotional kind, the kind I've been drowning with pills and booze for as long as I can currently remember, starts to wash over me. And suddenly, I want to cover up, the Molly long forgotten even as it still pulses erratically through my bloodstream. I cross my arms over my chest, my feet at the ankles, attempting to hide myself in yet another moment of vulnerability.Shame.
My mouth is so dry, my tongue too heavy, the shower still switched on and pounding the tile floor between us. Time seems to slow as Lynx shakes his head, that beautiful red-chestnut-brown gaze still directed at his feet, and even though, in this moment, I want to hide my body from him. I really, really need him to look at me.
I swallow, half-choking on my nerves, “Lynx?” it's a barely audible whisper, but he flinches with the sound as though when my voice hit his ears it caused him physical pain. “I'm sorry,” I breathe the word as my heart bangs in my chest, I don't evenknow what I'm sorry for, I haven't done anything, I just know I want to fix this silence, the way he won't look at me.
That's when the Molly makes a reappearance, not that it ever really left, but my lips curl up into an unwanted smile like I'm the cheshire fucking cat, and I wish I could just bite them off.