“No. Leave my brother with the girl.”

That gets their attention.

Mentioning her.

Someone they think I know nothing about.

Flynn flops down onto the couch to my left, his huge, bulking body making it groan under his weight, denting the cushions. He spreads his tattooed arms out across the back of the leather, a white tank top clinging to his muscular chest, tucked into his royal blue slacks, thighs wide, taking up almost all three seat cushions. And the two boys come to sit on the one opposite me.

“Look, we-”

“Shut the fuck up,” Flynn barks at his younger brother, silencing King before he can finish.

“What's this about?” Rex asks cautiously, trying to read the room.

He's not related to any of us by blood but he's been in our lives ever since he moved in next door to Flynn and Raiden, before Lynx and I had even moved in with them.

“Poppy Carrington,” Flynn says, my gaze drifting ever so slowly to him, he's two years older than me, but I'm the one that holdshisreins.

Rubbing a thumb across the tip of his nose, a blank expression on his face, waiting for the other shoe to drop. And, in a strangely unpredicted turn of events, it's Hendrix that understands first.

Falling back in his seat, eyes wide, Rex drops his head to the back of the couch, staring unseeingly at the ceiling, fingertips coming to his mouth, drumming over his lips,“Fuck.”

King stares at me, always the leader of the younger three. My own brother, Lynx, too quiet for that role, viscous but silent. Rex has always needed a leash, similar in the ways that Flynn does too. King can keep them under control, unlike his temper, but that's what he plays hockey for.


This boy has it in spades. Unlike his older brother, a seemingly sensible college student counselor, but who really has a penchant for blood and playing with knives.

“It can't be the same family. It's a coincidence.” King stares at me hard, unyielding, something he never normally does, challenges me.

I stare back, unblinking until he drops his gaze, swiping a hand over his braids.

“Poppy Foster is the daughter of Michael Carrington. The same Michael Carrington that fucked over my dad, got him thrown in jail and left my mom,us,with nothing.” I let the reminder of what happened in our childhood sink in, not that itneedsto be said.

I don't have to say anything else, we've been working on ways to destroy the guy that ruined my family's lives without ever having to go overseas anyway, this is just… well, you couldn't write this shit could you? The convenience of it all.

What with my booming empire in personal security for the elites, home security systems, alarm panels, surveillance and personal bodyguards. Serpent Security Enterprises is now a multimillion dollar company in its own right. The little bits on the side, like the drugs,Venom, that's just pocket change. But it keeps the boys busy while they’re in college, hustling, plus, Rex is a fucking good chemist. Creating shit that isn't addictive, doesn't have lasting effects, won't leave you nursing a two-day come down and it doesn't show up in drug tests. He doesn’t need me to do that shit at all.

King's gray eyes lift to mine, a divot deep between his dark, crinkling brows, he glances at his brother, knowing it will always be him doing the background checks, “You're sure?” his voice is low, quiet, almost soft and I think of the girl.

Gold streaked, brown hair, pretty lilac-blue-gray eyes, plump lips and pale skin.

Ah, fuck.

A dark brow arches high on my forehead, “You got feelings for her, Raiden?” I ask lowly, teeth crunching as I bite down on my molars.

He says nothing, Rex glances between the two of us. Flynn dragging his arms from the back of the sofa, leaning forward, forearms on his thighs, hands hanging between his knees, his blue eyes lift from beneath his dark lashes, a curly tendril of black hair hanging across one of them. He watches us too, probably hoping for some sort of blow up, but that's never been the way we sort shit out.

King blinks, smoothing out his expression, he swallows, but he doesn't look away, “What do you want us to do?”

And just like that, we form the plan to destroy the daughter of a man who condemned us as kids.

Chapter 22


It's just after two-a.m. when I make my way into the co-ed bathroom, leaving Lynx, after he pinned me to the outside of our door, kissing me until I was breathless, all because I was wearing his jersey, to take a call from his brother. I bite my lip as I pull the shower curtain closed, shimmying out of my clothes, thinking about him.