“Session’s over,” I whisper across her mouth, eyes boring into hers. “I'll see you tomorrow, Poppy,” I smile then, sly and terrifying, before I sit up straight, look away from her.

Rounding my desk, fingertips trailing over the polished wood, the door slams at my back. I drop my big body back intomy seat. Smug satisfaction humming through my veins, I unzip my pants, take my cock into my hand, and come like a two-pump chump to thoughts of bloodshot lilac eyes.

Chapter 19


Poppy curls into me, her naked body pressing into my side. I’ve got one arm around her back, holding her close, the other propped up, elbow bent, behind my head. The ceiling lights are on, a cast of blue light falling across the room, the dark sheets pulled up to our waists.

I trail my fingers over her tattooed shoulder, goosebumps lifting on her skin. My lips pull up into a small smile as she shudders.

Looking down my nose at her, her eyes closed, lashes a curled fan against her high cheekbones, she looks peaceful, and I’m not sure she ever really does.

“You cold?” I ask her, for no other reason than wanting her attention back on me.

Those big lilac eyes opening, lashes fluttering as she looks up at me, she shakes her head, a small smile on her lips.

“Hungry?” she shakes her head, her smile lifting. “Thirsty?”

Swatting at my chest with a tut, she giggles, “No!” she laughs, sighing softly, “I’m just per-” she shifts her shoulders in some semblance of a shrug, clearing her throat, “I’m just fine.”


Her smile dies.

She was going to say perfect.

You are perfect.

She smiles again when she realizes I’m frowning, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Something I’ve noticed happens more often than not. I grip her tighter to me, holding her as close as I can get her without crushing her.

“Princess?” I rumble after an extended silence, comfortable, easy.

Her leg shifts over my thigh, knee beside my cock, but I don’t think about that. The way the smallest touch from her sets me on fire, gets my dick hard.

“Yes, King?” she answers, and I suddenly think of her telling Rex to address her asYourMajestyand I want to laugh.

“Raiden,” I rasp, fingers gripping her shoulder tighter. “My name’s Raiden.”

She smiles again, a soft smile, this one feels more real, her eyes squinting a little, “Raiden,” she breathes, and it’s like a shot of lust and love all tangling around my heart and dick alike.

“I like how you say my name,” I smile down at her, her eyes still on mine.

“Yeah?” she smiles wider and my heart thumps.


She drops her forehead to my chest, hiding her face from me, but I can feel her smile against my skin, feel it when it falls.

“What are you thinking about?” I whisper, staring down at her, face to my chest, hand over my heart, her pulse against my heartbeat feels so right, I never want her to move. “Look at me, Princess.”

Slowly, she lifts her head, replants her chin back on my pec, flexing her fingers, her nails just grazing my skin.

She frowns a little, brow scrunched low, “My mum,” she swallows, biting her lip, I want to bite it for her.

“Yeah? What’s she like?” I ask, smoothing my hand over the ball of her shoulder. She hesitates, dropping her gaze, “If she’s as pretty as you, we better keep her hidden, I reckon Rex has a thing for older women, ya know.”

She chuckles at that, lifting her eyes, but they’re sad, turned down at the corners, and I feel my own smile fall, my laughter fade.