I chuckle, a smile transforming my face as I give in, let her seemeif only for a second, I clear my throat, “I'm thirty,” I tell her. “If that's all right with you,” I arch a brow, cock my head, curl my bottom lip in, snagging it between my teeth.

I watch her blush deepen, heat practically boiling in her cheeks, the red bloom traveling down her neck. I think of the knife in my desk, imagine what her pale skin would look like decorated in a different form of crimson.

“Sorry, that was rude, I-” she swallows, flicking those lilac colored eyes up onto mine, wide and bloodshot, which is when I notice her pupils are like pinpricks. “I didn't mean any offense. I get foot-in-mouth syndrome when I'm nervous.”

My mouth curls up again, twisting sinisterly at the corners and I don't try to hide it this time. I lick my lips, dip my chin. Think of all the opportunities I could have, locked in this room, alone with an anxious girl. Who's high…

So much fun.

“Am I making you nervous, Angel?” I ask, my deep voice thick like curling smoke hoping to choke.

Her eyes widen even more and I'm transfixed on her tiny pupils.

What have you taken?

She half sways in her chair, fingernails breaking skin where she grips her hands together so tightly.

Slowly, I stand from my seat, her head tipping back to look up at all six-foot-four of me. Rounding the desk, I come to stand before her in the space between her and the desk. Her plush lips parted as she stares up at me, the bottom one looking like it's too heavy for her slim face.

I want to sink my fucking teeth into it.

Leaning back, butt resting on the edge of the desk, I cross my arms, head canting to the side, I suck on my bottom lip, taking her in. Letting my eyes wander down her body, long, lean legs,small, perky tits, so many layers of clothing covering up all of her pale skin. I wonder if it's as flawless as her face.

I want to strip her bare, spread her out over my desk, slice her with my knife, lots of long shallow cuts, maybe I'll fuck her with it after, then I'll lick up all of her blood.

Suppressing a groan, I look at her from beneath my heavy lashes, narrow my dark blue eyes on her, and she is captivated, her entire attention honed in on me, her light eyes flicking rapidly over every single inch of me. Taking in my black curly hair, pale skin, sapphire eyes, thick arms and strong thighs. Her breaths are quickening and it's like she's readying to bolt, or drop to her knees and beg to suck my dick, I wonder if she would. But I need to draw this back, we're not quite there yet.

Even still, it, her attention, feels heady, liberating, fucking dangerous.

Fuck, I'm going to wreck you.

“Hm?” she suddenly asks, eyes snapping back to mine, I sweep my fingers up and down my bicep, muscles bulging where they're crossed over my chest, tension straining beneath my crisp white button up.

I chuckle darkly, “You were about to tell me why I make you so nervous, Angel.” I grin wide, her mouth slack, she blinks rapidly, shifting to sit up straighter in her chair and I feel like a wolf readying to chase a rabbit.

“I'm not- You don't, I-”

“It's okay,” I soothe, bending forwards until we're barely half a foot apart.

I can feel her warm breath, quick, on my skin, it's addictive, the innocent look on her. Leaning even further forward, our lips almost touching. I reach out to tuck a strand of gold streaked-brown hair behind her heavily pierced ear, smoothing the rough pad of my finger over the cold metal hoops.

I shift my weight on the desk, widening my thick thighs just enough to relieve a little pressure in my pounding dick, her eyes dropping right to my crotch as I do, before flying back to my face in panic, that plume of red growing once more.

“Like I said, this is a safe,confidentialspace,” I tell her quietly, so many fucking meanings entangled in those words. “No one will ever know what happens inside this room.” It's a warning laced truth because as I think of all the things I want to do to her, I know I'm going to do every single fucking one of them.

And no one's going to be able to stop me.

Not my brothers.

Not even Bennett.

I know the boys have been fucking her, hiding her from us, thinking, stupidly, we wouldnt find out. They forget we see and hear everything. There are no secrets between us.

And I'm gonna be this druggie girl's new safe space.

I hold Poppy's gaze, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she stares up at me, fingernails cutting into the leather arm rests of her chair as she tightens her grip.

I make a show of glancing down in the sliver of space between us to check my watch. The tips of our noses brushing, her creamy, buttery pumpkin scent filling my nostrils as I inhale her slow and deep. Savoring her scent so I can fuck my hand to the memory of it as soon as she leaves. I flick my gaze up from the pearlescent face of my gold watch, lick over my lips, tip of my tonguejustcatching on the crease down the center of her fat bottom lip.