All I can see in my mind's eye is her pale ass stinging red with the imprint ofmyfucking hands. But I've been gentle with her, so fucking gentle it makes me grind my teeth when she grinds her cunt down on my dick and I have to hold myself back.

There's just somethingfragileabout her.

And I sorta wanna protect her. From me, my brothers. Our other brothers…

Maybe from herself.

Poppy shudders, this time, not from the cold, her breaths short and sharp against my mouth, I drag my bottom lip across hers, flicking my tongue over her cupid's bow.

“You still think you don't need a coat?” Her heavy bangs catch in her eyelashes as she blinks, licking over her lips as her eyes dance between my own.

“I'll get a jacket,” she whispers over my mouth, her words on my tongue.

We are so, so close and I want to fucking eat her alive, but I step back, flick my gaze over her shoulder, my arms still around her, and watch as Rex saunters closer. A long pale gray coat in his hands, sharp collar and big round buttons, he places it over her shoulders, another shudder curling through her tall body.

Lynx leans against the closed door, one foot kicked up, thick arms crossed over his chest. He lifts a brow, drags his gaze down her body, taking in the miles and miles of her long legs as I turn her to face them.

“Told ya,” Lynx winks, licking over his teeth, he pushes to stand as Rex takes Poppy's hand, me at their backs as, collectively, we walk towards the front door.

“Yeah, yeah, mister know-it-all,” she sasses Lynx, I can practicallyhearher eye roll, our girl has some fucking bite.

So why are we always so careful with her?

Lynx just smiles at her, a tightness in his eyes that makes me feel like he's struggling. So I promise myself, I'm going to watch over him tonight. I failed him once, I'm not going to let it happen again.

Chapter 17


Graves bar is a shithole.

Well, I mean, no, actually, it really is.

Smoke fills my lungs, a haze of it clouding the low ceiling as King pushes open the squeaky wooden door, bodies packed shoulder to shoulder inside the humid space.

“Is it legal to smoke inside public spaces here?” I murmur, looking up at Rex, who's wearing a coat that matches the one he leant me, his is just a shade of grey darker.

“No,” he answers, his pretty green eyes scanning the bar as he steers us through the crowd. “But it's not legal for you to be in here at only nineteen, drinking with us either, is it, Kitten?” His perfect mouth curls into a smile I want to lick off of his face as a bloom of heat rushes to redden my cheeks. “What you gonna do, call the cops?” he looks at me then without dipping his chin, only letting his eyes drop in their sockets to glance down at me. “If you wanted me in handcuffs, you only had to say.” Rex licks his lips, my own parted, and then Lynx is snatching me out of his hold, shouldering between us with a smug look on his face.

The wooden floors creak, every step I take is hard work with the way my shoes stick to the grimy floor, it's like super strength glue trying to tear the soles off of my new boots. There'sGroveton College paraphernalia plastered all over the walls, everything in Groveton green and white. Posters and articles, photographs, flags and jerseys, all pinned up, covering the dark wooden walls.

King and Rex walk right up to the bar, leaving Lynx and I wrapped around one another to find a booth. And I don't know how because the place is wall to wall, there's no way we'll find-

“Move,” Lynx barks, and the occupiers of the booth he's stopped us next to, full of hulking guys and pretty girls, all stand at the command, grabbing their drinks and the guys actuallythankinghim as they give up their table.

“They'll get bored of her so fast,” someone hushes under their breath as they hurry past me, making my neck crack as I twist to look over my shoulder, but all of the girls Lynx just forced out of their seats are whispering together.

It could have been any one of them.

I frown as Lynx ushers me into the corner seat, leaning forward and wiping the cracked seat cushion with his hand before I sit. Then he climbs in beside me, eyes roving over the rest of the bar, his arm snaking around my shoulders, he leans back, slouching, relaxing, and my tongue goes dry the longer I look at him.

“That was mean,” I say, meaning him and his demanding dismissal, but the girl's words ring true inside my head too.

They will get bored of me and not want me hanging around anymore, just like my dad.

I frown, staring at Lynx's handsome face, dark eyebrows, messy bleached blonde hair, full lips, plush mouth and straight nose. Small, dark freckle beneath his right eye, a matching one on the same cheekbone.

His peach lips twist up on one side, but he doesn't look at me, his fingers tightening over my shoulder cap. It makes me feel safe. The way he holds me, all of them, always touching,always watching, like I have twenty-four-seven security guards. It should probably feel invasive but all it does is make me feel seen.