Chapter 16


Coach Taylor roars. It's ear splitting as he bellows at us during yet another punishing round of bag skates.

My blades cut through the ice, elbows working hard, biceps bunching, flexing, straining. There's an ache in my fucking chest and it's because she's here. In the stands. Those weirdly beautiful colored eyes on me. My stick taps the ice like cubes tumbling into a glass, my movements so rhythmic, all I hear is my own breaths, my own heart, and theswish, clink, swish,of my skates and stick on the ice.

Lynx hustles beside me, keeping perfect pace, despite being gone for the last half a year. His ease on the ice, something I used to find raging jealousy in when we were younger, the naturalness of it all for him. He tripped and fell into a pair of skates at the age of eight and never fucking looked back. But I love it for him now, so he can get back on the team, taking his rightful place, be here with me. Keep me just a little bit sane.

Coach blows the whistle, screaming and cursing, veins in his temples looking ready to explode, but I can hardly hear any words over my ragged breaths, my gaze flicking straight to the stands.

Poppy and Rex sit huddled together, his arm lazily draped around her slim shoulders, her knees jumping with jerky little movements because she's cold, maybe a little anxious. Lynx brushes his arm against mine, staring up at them pressed together, I hear his sharp inhale, watching Rex's hand pinch Poppy's jaw, her eyes remaining open, focused wholly on us as he twists her head towards him, takes her lips with his.

“Shit,” Lynx hisses, gloves creaking as he tightens his grip on his stick. “How much longer you think we'll be here for?”

I shrug, “Dunno.” Rex forces Poppy's head back, his hand engulfing the entirety of her long throat, his thumb on the corner of her jaw, turning her to face us as he bites into her neck.

“I'm gonna bust in my fucking shorts,” Lynx grits out, his eyes laser focused on the two people he's obsessed with.

My sexual obsession is only with Poppy, but Rex is my brother and I love my brothers harder than anything else. But there's something aboutherthat I can't seem to get my mind off.

I grunt an agreement, my cock angry at being so restricted in so many layers of bulky clothing. I'm sweating beneath it all, my muscles screaming, bones aching, but my chest pounds harder and harder and I wonder if this is what a heart attack feels like. Poppy's eyes are only on me and the brother at my side, while our third devours her like a fucking snack.

“What we gonna do?” Lynx shifts beside me, the rest of the team starting to leave the ice, heading towards the locker room, I hear Coach shouting still, but the sound is moving further away. “Whentheyfind out about her?” I swallow just as hard as what I'm sure he does.

I grind my teeth, back molars aching as they creak with the force of my locked jaw, “We don't tell them.”

“Dude, they're gonna know, someone will tell them. It’s not like we’ve kept her a secret. We agreed, no girls would come between us.”

“Just,” I huff out an exasperated breath, “I can't stay away from her.” It's why I fucked her, something drew me the fuck in, I thought I'd fuck her out of my system, but all that really did was sear our fucking souls together.

It's been less than a week of knowing her, four fucking days of hanging out, talking, fucking, fucking,fucking…I don't think I've ever gotten attached to anyone so quickly before. Or as deep. It's like I can feel her essence in my marrow, corded around my heart, pumping through my veins.

“We're out tonight,” a statement, not a question, Lynx sounds a little… deflated about it.

Dragging my gaze to him, his red-brown eyes already on me, I cock my head.

“Yeah, at Graves. You struggling?” it grates me, the way I have to ask, it means I'm not paying him enough attention, like I swore I would, to keep him safe, protect us.

“No,” he shifts again, gaze flicking back to the stands, I don't look, watching him instead, keeping my focus where it needs to be. His face creases, something like pain in his eyes, “But I think-”

“Yo! Dipshits! Fucking hustle!” Coach Taylor bellows from the tunnel, cutting Lynx off and making my neck crack with the jerking pull of my attention.

Lynx claps me on the back, skating away without another word, and when I glance back up at the stands, Rex and Poppy are already gone.

Poppy literally takes my breath away when she walks in with Lynx. I feel like a fucking kid on Christmas when she steps intoour house in a tight little dress, plum in color, tight and short, strappy like most of her clothes, despite it fucking snowing, but she has knee high cowboy boots on and I smirk.

“Lynx got me them,” she laughs, “he wouldn't let me leave 'til I put them on.” She steps into me, my arms wrapping around her freezing body.

“Because it's the middle of fucking winter, Princess. Where's your coat?” I talk into her hair, feel her shrug, her shoulders lifting and falling inside the circle of my arms. “Huh?” I lean back, pinch her chin, tilt her head back. “You wanna freeze to death or something?”

Her lilac eyes tighten with her smile, something sincere, plum painted lips curling at the corners.

“You need to wear a coat.”

She shakes her head, her smile growing, “Nu-uh, that's what I got you guys for, always draping yourselves over me,” she shrugs again. “Think I'm good.”

I lift a brow, trying to smother my smirk, “You're good, yeah? That's what you think?” her smile is wide now, toothy, dimples carving in her flushed cheeks. “You ever do as you're told, baby girl?” I rasp, dropping my mouth to slant over hers as she swallows down her sharp intake of breath. “You tryna antagonize me, Princess?” I smirk now, licking over her parted lips, tasting the waxy texture of her pout. “You wanna stay in tonight and see how it feels to disobey me?”