Yeah, feels real fucking good having her between us.

Shuddering, Poppy peeks at me over her shoulder, gaze lifting from beneath her lashes, those lilac-blue pools just tempting me to dive right in.

I want to ravish her.

“Hi,” she replies, quiet and shy, and it makes my fucking balls draw up, dick hard, desperate to get back inside her.

She's damp from the still steadily falling snow, little flakes melting on her acid-washed denim jacket, the fabric stiff beneath my clingy hold, but she smells fucking edible. Breathing her in, I bury my face into her hair, sweet, buttery pumpkin filling my nostrils. Drawing away with a nip to her purple marred neck, courtesy of me and Lynx, maybe a little bit of King, and a kiss to her cold cheek before I prop my chin back on her shoulder.

Peering around the cafeteria, dark wooden flooring, matching paneled walls, green leather chairs pushed beneathrectangular stained oak tables. I smirk at all of the eyes on us, some discrete, most outright staring, it all just makes me grin. This isn't high school, there's no hierarchy so to speak, but if there were, we'd be up there, sitting at the top. As it stands, I don't really give a fuck about status, these people are nothing to my life. But they know the three of us guys are inseparable, and they've never seen us like this with a girl before. Ever.

However, when my little kitten leans further back into me. Lynx in front of her, piling food for the three of us onto a single tray. His thick fingers popping with ridged green veins more and more as he adds a mountain of dishes, dragging us along at his back as he works his way around all of the foods. I feel her anxiety, the lifting, lifting, lifting of her chest as she draws in breath, doesn't let it go. Presses back further into me like I'm her shield.

I'll be whatever the fuck you want me to be.

Lynx glances up, then down, flicking those warm red eyes between the tightening of her fingers in his, and the uncomfortable expression on her face.

“Kitten?” I nip her earlobe, shuffling us closer to Lynx as he turns to close in on her front, placing the tray down on the counter at our side, cupping her cheek.

I stare at her side profile, her eyes on Lynx, wide and shining. Lynx smooths hair back from her face, brushing her cheek with his knuckles and a tremor wracks its way down her spine, her body vibrating in my hold.

“You good?” Lynx rasps, deep voice low, a crease digging its way between his dark brows.

“Everybody is staring,” she whispers in that sexy British accent I want to eat right from her tongue, forcing Lynx to lift his gaze from hers, flick his attention, just briefly, across the rest of the room.

“Let 'em fucking look,” I growl, mashing my lips into the side of her throat, squeezing her tighter in my arms. “You're ours.”

It's a snarling statement I have no right to make, but I feel it in my fucking bones. This weird, wiery, rapidly tightening attachment. It feels like she was made for us,bornfor us. Barbed wire wrapping around my thudding heart, coiling tighter and tighter every time I think of her. And the look Lynx gives me in this moment, this smoldering agreement that has sharp fangs and razor claws, just daring anyone to protest it, only makes me feel steadier in my resolve.

Poppy makes this raspy sort of gasp, shallow and breathy, turning her face so she's barely an inch from mine. Her blue-lilac eyes flash between my own, wide and unsure, she nibbles on her lip, sucking on the inside of her cheek. And when she wrinkles her nose, it takes everything in me not to bite it. Strip her bare right here, spreadherout on the display counter and tongue fuck her cunt for the whole world to see. I imagine Lynx's bite to my ear as I eat her, his quickened breath on my neck, 'good fucking boy'he'd rasp and I'd die right here.

“Rex,” Poppy breathes, lips brushing mine and it's like an angel singing my name, calling me back to the present, all sunshine and heavenly beams exploding inside my temples.

“Mm, love when you say my name, Kitten,” I speak over her mouth, plucking at her top lip before sinking my teeth into her bottom one.

Lynx moves in even closer, a hand clamping down on my shoulder as Poppy's tongue slips into my mouth, “You've made your point,” he breathes against our cheeks. “Now let's eat before I make you put on a real fucking show.” The ordered growl rips straight from his chest, vibrating along the bones of my face, and then he's yanking Poppy's mouth from mine with a fist in her hair, “Ours,” he snarls, sinking his tongue into hermouth like he's trying to lick out her tonsils. “Now,” he sucks in a breath, drawing back.

Eyes flicking between us both, haunting and consuming all rolled into one, it makes me want to drop to my knees for him, lick his cock like a melting ice cream cone, let Poppy suck him with me. Both of us side by side, our cheeks pressed together, tongues lapping at our man, one of his hands on each of our heads. Patting and praising and saying,'good fucking boy. Good fucking girl'.

And as though he knows exactly what I'm imagining, my cock rapidly swelling in my tight jeans, already weeping for his, and her, equal attention, Lynx smirks and says, “Lunch first,” winking at me and smiling at Poppy as he leads us to a table in the back.

And just like that, my heart combusts in my chest.

Chapter 15


Fucking brats.

Poppy and Rex sit across from me at a table in the far back corner of the cafeteria. And the salacious little fucks can’t keep their hands, or their mouths, off of each other.

Sitting face to face, angled towards each other in their chairs. My hand squeezes around my bottle of orange juice, the thick plastic denting as I watch Rex lick up the length of a cheese stick with the flat of his tongue. A smirk curling his mouth as he flicks his gaze to mine from the corner of his eye.

“Open your mouth, Kitten,” he rasps, low, husky, enthralling, still holding the cheese stick up between their faces, only inches apart. I watch her then, Poppy’s eyes on Rex’s, her thick lips popping open, his thumb brushing her chin, “Tongue out,” he orders, tone rough. She does as he says, and Rex slaps the cheese stick against the flat of her tongue, making both her and I blink. “Take a bite,” he whispers then, leaning in closer, her lips close around it, teeth biting through and then he drags it away from her mouth, a stretch of mozzarella between his pinched thumb and finger and her lips that he rips through with his own teeth.

“Mmm,” she moans, turning her head to face me as she chews and swallows, at the same time Rex’s pale green eyes find mine.

My hands slam down on the table making Rex smirk and Poppy flinch. And I can’t think of anything except the way my dick kicks in my fucking pants.