It's not her eyes, not their perfect shape, eye catching color, it's what's in them. Really in them. Something that I've seen reflected in each of us, our older brothers', at one time or another.


It is a disease.



Soul sucking.

It's why I stepped in with that tool, Chris. Her body trembled as he draped himself all over her. I could see some of my teammates watching. Waiting. We're close, the boys on the team, and I'm not their leader, don't wanna fucking be. But this is my house. They were waiting to see what I'd do.

If someone says no. Even if they say nothing. Silence isn't a yes.

It's why I had to intervene. I've said no before and been ignored. I won't let it happen again, and certainly not to someone else under my fucking roof.

Blood pulses through me, most of it shooting to my cock. I feel feral, animalistic, unhinged, a part of me untamed and reckless.

I think back to Rex's previous statement, not allowing anyone else to look at her, and it shakes me free of my thoughts.

“Agreed,” I rumble thickly, my voice half choked in my throat, drying up as my eyes flare back to life, instantly colliding with hers.

Poppy stares at me over Lynx's shoulder, his lips to her ear, nose nestled in her hair. Her hand fisted in the back of his shirt now, like she's holding him to her with everything she's got.


My insides feel tight, and I'm striding towards them before I can talk myself out of it, people parting out of my way like they know I'm on a mission. To get to her. Them.

Rex is at my back, a gleeful“Fuck yes,”hissing under his breath, his hands grip my shoulders and he jumps up and down at my back, I can practically feel his grin.

I don't stop until I'm plastered to my best friend's back, Poppy's scrunched fist between us, her knuckles digging into my sternum, my nose touching hers as I crane myself over Lynx’s shoulder.

Her breath halts, eyes widening, pupils dilating like she's trying to suck me into her fucking orbit. But I'm already there. I've had three beers, no smokes, and it's crazy to believe I'm thinking clearly. Because as I grip her chin, Lynx's lips suctioned to the same side of her throat that Rex was feasting on not ten minutes ago, I brush my lips over hers. Soft, silky, warm, wet. All of her is supple and soft and right.

“I'm going to kiss you, Princess,” I whisper over her lips, the words seeping into Lynx's ear, making him draw back, his deep red eyes flicking between us, his mouth just as close to mine as it is to hers.

Rex slinks around us, gluing himself to her back, hands sliding up her sides, smoothing the bare skin beneath her tits. His nose to her hair, he sucks in a deep breath, inhaling her scent, sweet and buttery, his eyes closing, he tilts his head back, sighing loudly.

“You smell like fucking heaven, Kitten,” he growls into her ear, the vibration of his chest against her spine making her shudder.

“Any objections, Poppy?” I ask her, my finger and thumb a sharp pinch of the point of her chin.

Lynx's lips feathering down her cheekbone, he meets Rex's over the gentle slope of her bare shoulder in a dark, biting kiss. Poppy's eyes flick to her right, widening briefly before shuttering, a tremor rocking through her as she watches the savage way they devour one another, all the while holding onto her. Lynx's arm around her back, Rex's fingers ghosting over her tits. She looks up at me, blinking heavily like she's already three orgasms deep.

Not long, Princess.

Her chin lifts, lips puckering, still parted slightly, her tongue darts out, wetting her lips, glistening with saliva in the low orange light. She shakes her head.

And that's all it takes.

My mouth crushes against hers, my free hand fisting in the hair at the crown of her head, my other still on her chin, guiding her head this way and that, so I can lick into her mouth. My tongue glides over her teeth, wrapping around her own before I'm sucking it into my mouth, groaning at her tiny, breathy whimpers. Soft, little moans climb their way down my tonsils as I swallow them from her tongue. I bite into her lip, plucking it away from her bottom row of teeth. Teasing the plump flesh between my clenched jaw.

She blinks up at me as I release her lip, suckle on the corner of her mouth. Dominate her with something that can't even really be called a kiss. No. This is more. Something I feel all the way down to my toes.

This feels like something real.

And just like that, I'm tearing myself back from her. Forehead dropping against hers. We share breath. Needy pants gruffly escape my tightly corded throat as I grit my teeth. Soft, gentle groans fall from her swollen lips and I want to fuck her right here. Right now. Make this real. Show every fucking person in this room that she is fucking mine.