As the woman keeps talking, and I’m being pushed closer and closer, and the doors at Bennett’s back are opening. Ice cold air rushing in. My teeth chatter and my eyes water and thenthose obsidian orbs are pulled from me, back to the woman before him as she passes him a clipboard.

My wheelchair is stopped, and Lynx is racing towards me. Bleached blonde hair a crazy mess on his head, red-brown eyes wild, he skids the rest of the way across the floor, his shins bashing into the tiles as he drops to his knees before me.

Tears slip from my eyes as his big hands dwarf my cheeks, cupping my face. He’s pushing up onto his knees, pressing his lips to my forehead, over and over.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “I am so fucking sorry. We’ve got you now. We’ll always have you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Lynx gathers me in his arms, cedar and red berries engulfing me, his heat seeps into my skin as he holds me up, my toes just barely grazing the floor as I sob into the crook of his neck, my arms limp at my sides.

“We will never let anything happen to you, Treasure. Never again.”

“You okay, Princess?” Raiden’s comforting rumble reaches my ears at the same time his warm hand finds my bare back, and my eyes lift, finding his steely grey ones.

I nod, even as I sob harder, King’s lips coming to the top of my head, his hand cupping my crown.

Flynn appears on Lynx’s other side, his hands grabbing me, mouth coming to mine, a fierce press of his lips to my own, “We’ve got you now, Angel. Forever.”

Rex is walking up behind him as our mouths separate, Flynn’s forehead resting against my temple, King’s hand still cradling my skull.

I turn my attention to Hendrix, his light green eyes warm, a soft smile on his face, he lifts one shoulder in a slow shrug, “Told you we’d always find you, Kitten.”

Chapter 50



“Bennett, it’s too hot for running,” I whine, panting, hands on my hips as I turn in a slow circle, engulfed in the shadow of the woods beneath the endless canopy of trees.

I stare up, eyes closed, even now, near ten o’clock at night, the Texas heat is way more than I can handle, but I’m smiling as I hear his approach.

The crunch of his slow footsteps, like he’s not trying to hide now. It makes me frown, a shudder working through me, goosebumps licking over my exposed skin. Bennett is always silent when he chases me out here.

My eyes blink open, peering into the trees ahead. Shadows and not quite darkness yet, but I see a dark figure getting closer, and it’s not Bennett.

Even still, I call out to him, hoping it is, and my eyes are playing tricks on me, “Bennett?” I almost choke, fear a lump in my throat.

I tremble, hot and cold with goosebumps all the same. I lick my lips, my heart pounding, my arms fall to my sides, and I take a step back. I smell him at the last second, bergamot and tobacco, but I’m already stepping back into him, my back connecting with his hot, sweat-slicked chest.

“This was no fun, Lollipop,” his breath feathering down the side of my throat, I can hear his pout, his lips skimming the slick skin behind my ear, my long hair sticking to my nape. “You didn’t even try to run from me,” he whispers. “Are you that desperate for my cock?” his breath is unnaturally cool for this heat, and my goosebumps prick harder, erupting over my flesh, my nipples tightening into diamond points. “Let’s play again,” his knuckles skim my outer biceps as he brings his hands up, planting them over my shoulders. Making me tremble, my knees feel weak, my heart knocking against my sternum, “I’ll count to ten and if you can escape us all. You can have anything you want.”

I shake in his hold, his thumbs massaging my shoulders, all of our bare skin touching. Only loose basketball shorts and trainers on Bennett. Short-shorts and a strappy vest top on me, trainers on my own feet.

“All?” I whisper the question, we’ve never done this with the others before.

Trembling harder, my eyes scanning the shadows, night not yet fully fallen.

I’m getting better, being in the dark. Now that I’m going to therapy, getting real help.

“Hmm,” Bennett hums, huffing a laugh, his nose against my neck,“all.”I lick my lips, lean back into him, feel the long, thick length of his hard cock like steel pressing against my lower back. “I let them join us tonight,” he says lowly. His lips grazing along the length of my neck, towards my shoulder. His teeth bitegently at it, his lips sucking, tongue licking. “Because they, like I, are positivelyferalto get a taste of you, Lollipop.”

I shudder, my teeth chattering, my body not knowing whether it should be hot, cold, frightened or turned on. I see them approaching now, a second darkened silhouette joining the first.

“You want me to run,” I say, staring straight ahead as Bennett mouths at my skin, his brothers slowly coming into view.

“You know I do,” he chuckles darkly, sending my trembling into overdrive. “What else do you think we want from you, Lollipop,” he breathes and I stiffen, his thumbs stroking soothing circles into the soft skin of my upper arms.

“You want me to fight,” I whisper, my eyes darting between Flynn and Raiden, the only two I can see clearly, but I know Lynx and Rex will be out there somewhere too, beyond this small clearing.