
Someone tell me what the fuck the problem is, right now.


I’m getting our girl.

Shoving my cell back inside my jeans’ pocket even as it vibrates, again and again, I glide my line of sight back to where Poppy is dancing. Blondie’s there with the guy I want to kill, but Poppy’s gone.

Frowning, I stretch up onto tiptoes, searching the dark, smoke filled space for her. I circle the room, making my way into the kitchen, onto the back porch where she was sitting when I first arrived, search through the bathroom queue.

What the fuck?

It takes me ten minutes to get back to my original position beside the wall, and then I shove through the dancers, tapping her blond friend on the shoulder. She spins around, still dancing, a frown etching her forehead.

She rolls her big blue eyes, “I’ve already helped you once today, what could you possibly want now?”

“Where did Poppy go?” I shout over the music, someone bumping into my back making me grit my teeth.

Blondie rolls her eyes again, smirking at me, her lips sealed.

I raise a brow, dipping my face into hers, “I need to know, I just wanna make sure she’s okay.” I hate that I’m telling her this like I should have to give some sort of reason, but I’ll do whatever it takes. “She’s not good in crowds, I just wanna keep an eye on her. That’s all.”

She sighs, another eye roll and I’m wondering how it’d feel if I plucked them out of her fucking skull, “She had to pee.”

I frown harder, “She wasn’t in that line.”

“No, upstairs, I showed her where when we first arrived, last door on the right.”

I’m moving before she’s even really finished, and I hear her yelling something that sounds likebe niceat my back, makingmerollmyeyes now.

I take the stairs two at a time, the halls are long, splitting off into wings when I reach the top and I don’t fucking know which way to go to make it to the right door.

“For fuck’s sakes,” I groan, turning right and heading all the way to the end of the corridor.

I hammer my fist on the last door as I push it open, a shriek that isnotPoppy’s greets my ears and I walk through anyway. Ignoring the threesome happening on the bed, I head straight for the bathroom. Empty. I huff in frustration, slamming the door shut behind me. I don’t stop, crossing the hall, entering another bedroom, this one much fuller…

“Poppy?” I call out.

Gritting my teeth, glancing over all of the naked bodies to pick her out, praying like fuck she’s not fucking in here. I stride through, stepping over tangled arms and legs and holding my breath to avoid the smell of stale sex as I open up the bathroom door, lots of shower sex but no Poppy.

Exiting the room, I smack right into Rex, lazy smile on his face.

“Two guys fucking in the shower invited me to join them in there,” he announces proudly, gesturing towards the room I just exited. “I told them thank you, but no thank you, someone already owns my dick.”

I raise a brow, rolling my eyes, “You’re an idiot,” I toss over my shoulder as I turn, King falling into step beside me.

“They’re waiting outside in the truck,” Raiden says at my side, referring to our older brothers, gray eyes sweeping across the hall as we make our way to the other end of it. “Saw Bonnie downstairs, she told us you were up here.”

“I meant you!” Rex says at my back, hurrying to catch up.

“Shut up, Hendrix,” King mutters, but Rex’s words do funny things to my insides.

We’ve never talked aboutus. What we’re doing. What we are. We just always sort of fell into bed together and neither one of us ever ordered the other one out of it.

“What?” I say, stopping even as King keeps walking.

I turn to face Rex, blinking at him, his ashy hair flopped in his light green eyes, a lick of yellow paint on the edge of his wide jaw.