Page 6 of Conflicted Desires

Uncle Darius just shook his head, "We don't know. One minute we were talking in the church, the next, you were gone. We left together in the procession, but we lost you in the crowd. I just thought you preferred walking amongst the people who loved your father, and that you would meet us once we arrived at the mausoleum. When you didn't show, we got worried and went looking for you. Some people said they saw a woman running through the headstones, but we found nothing, and there was no sound of you. I was hoping you could tell me what happened that night."

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry. I've tried so hard to recall anything of my life, but there's just… nothing."

Uncle Darius squeezed my hand, the worry evident in his eyes. "Don't worry Cat. Maybe it will all come back with time."

I shrugged, “Perhaps.”

A silence descended around the room.

"Maybe we should all get some rest." Martha said brightly. "There's nothing like a good night's sleep to relax the mind."

"Wait," Uncle Darius raised a hand. "Where have you been these past few months?"

I hesitated, not wanting to tell him the whole truth just yet. I still wasn’t sure if they were who they said they were.

"Just with some people who found me. They were very kind and patient with me and let me stay at their house. They helped me to remember my name and connected it with the vineyards."

"Well, I'm forever grateful to them for treating you so well. We will have to send them a hamper as a thank you."

An image of a modest wine hamper sitting in the boy's opulent living room brought a smile to my lips. It would be a fun way to taunt Luca for bringing home my own wine. He would lose his shit for sure. Maybe I'll even find a toy red Mercedes to add in there.

"Who are they?" My uncle pressed.

Martha stood abruptly. "Come on Darius, can't you see the poor thing is exhausted. This can wait. There's been enough excitement for one night." She smiled warmly at me, "Come on Cat. Let me show you to your room."

Grateful for the interruption, I gave a small wave and murmured my goodnights to everyone, before following the small woman up the stairs and down a long hallway to the end bedroom.

Martha opened the door and waited for me to enter. As I stepped into the dimly lit room, Martha slipped in behind me and turned on a lamp by the bed.

"It's just as you left it, Cat. No one but me has been in here, and only then to do some dusting.” Her eyes drifted around the room, before settling on me with a smile. “I’ll let you sleep now. Just let me know if I can get you anything. If you need me, we are right across the hall." She went to leave, pausing to grasp both my hands in hers. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and I knew she was sincere. "It's great to have you home, dear." With that, she left the room, closing the door behind her and leaving me in silence.

I looked about the room. There was a king size bed with rich, purple colored bedding against the far wall, with a white chaise at the end of it. A wall lined with books was to my left, and the wall opposite had floor to ceiling windows, all framed with sheer white curtains, that overlooked the vineyards. A desk with a computer and other small mementos was in the corner, facing some large balcony doors, and in the other corners of the room I had large, leafy green potted plants. It was definitely my style. A cozy, yet luxurious space where I could escape.

An image of me working at the desk, with rain softly pitter-pattering against the window, flashed through my mind, andI smiled at the new memory, as I walked past the desk and through the balcony doors.

I was finally home.

I took a deep breath of the cool night air to calm my thoughts. The events of the night had been a lot to process. I had discovered my full name, found out about my father’s death, found my home, met my family, and most importantly, knew who my potential enemies were.

My fingers went to my lips as I thought about Luca's kiss when I had straddled him on the sofa. A shiver ran up my spine at the memory of his strong hands running up my thighs, their warmth commanding my attention. If truth be told, I missed him already. Nico and Atlas too. But was it true what Luca said?

Were they really my enemy?

As I struggled to make sense of how this could be true, a small knock at the door sounded.

Stepping back into the room, I pulled open the bedroom door to find Kurt standing there.

He smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry to disturb you Catalina, but I was just wondering if you would like me to let Brad know you are back?"

My forehead creased in confusion, "Who is Brad?"

Kurt palmed his forehead, “I’m so sorry. I forgot about your… condition. Brad is your boyfriend."

My eyes widened in shock.

I have a boyfriend?

Chapter three