Page 20 of Conflicted Desires

"I just wish that I had a diary or something, you know? Then I could read about my life." I laughed dryly, "To be honest, I'd settle for an ID. I only have people telling me who I am, but I guess that would have been in my handbag, if I had one. Can't say I remember where I put it."

His eyes darted up and he stood from the chair. "I have to go."

I looked at the clock on the wall, frowning. "Really? Important meeting coming up? How did you get in here anyway? It's after midnight. Definitely not visiting hours."

He ignored my question, "I'll help you find out who you are."

I grabbed his hand as he made to leave. "Wait. Why do you keep helping me?"

He stiffened as he looked down at my hand, all hints of good humor he displayed earlier were now completely gone. I quickly withdrew my hand and was shocked when he caught it, holding it tightly. I watched wide eyed as he bent and lightly kissed the back of my hand before letting go. Then he turned and stalked towards the door, looking over his shoulder. "You'll know in good time."

You're fucking kidding me!?

For some reason his words sparked an anger in me. I was sick of being told to wait.

"Hey! Why can't you just tell me?" I demanded.

He paused halfway out the door, clearly contemplating what to say. "If you want answers, ask your uncle," he said stiffly, and then he was gone. The door closed behind him, and the room descended back into silence.

I stayed awake for several hours, thinking over what had just happened and my mysterious visitor. As sleep slowly consumed me, I had one resounding thought.

Who are you, Stalker Knight?

"Catalina! I'm so glad you're okay!" Uncle Darius squeezed me tight, making me wince. He quickly let go. "I'm so sorry, Cat. I'm just so happy to see you awake. I came straight away when I heard of your accident, but they had you in an induced coma." He stood from the bed, "Here. I bought you these." He held out a vase with flowers.

Although I still didn't feel confident around my uncle, small snippets of memories were being triggered. The sight of a small girl walking past my hospital door with ribbons in her hair, reminded me of running and playing with him as a child, with large pink ribbons in my hair streaming out behind me. The sight of the nurse’s pen as she scribbled on my chart, brought the image of a golden pen with my name engraved on it, being presented to me by my uncle when I graduated. And now, as my uncle placed a large bouquet of flowers on the table by the window, I could remember hugging him in front of my father's coffin that was surrounded by flowers. The memories were coming back faster every day.

"Thank you for the flowers, uncle. It's good to see you."

He gave a thin smile as he cast his eyes over my battered and bandaged frame. "I wish I could say the same. You've looked better."

I laughed, "Trust me. I've felt better too."

"I've updated Martha, Benjamin and Kurt, and they send their regards. They would have come too but apparently a winery doesn't run itself."

"I'm so thankful they've stepped in to keep everything going while I've been away. They really seem like nice people."

"They are. I don't know how we would have coped in the early days when your mother passed, if it weren't for them." He frowned, "I take it your memories have not returned yet?"

I shook my head, "Bits and pieces are still coming back, but everything is still a blur. I feel sometimes like I am living someone else's life. Just walking in their shoes but not knowing who they are. Does that make any sense?"

"Of course." He squeezed my hand and gave it a kiss, reminding me of my stalker knight. "But rest assured, it will all come back, Cat. I'm sure of it."

I smiled wanly. Nobody could know if my memories would come back, but I quietly hoped that my uncle was right. I put on a brave face and decided to ask him some direct questions. Half because he should know the answers, and half because my mysterious stalker had eluded that my uncle knew something that I wanted to know.

"What is it, Cat? You seem miles away."

I took a deep breath.

Where to start?

"What can you tell me about my father?"

Uncle Darius beamed, "He was the kindest father and brother anyone could have asked for. He was also the smartest man I knew. He was a brilliant politician that the people loved and an even better businessman."

It warmed my heart to know that my father was so well thought of, but something wasn't right. "If he was such a great man and so beloved by everyone, why was he murdered?"

His eyes widened, no doubt shocked at the bluntness of my question. "I suppose everyone has their share of enemies. Even the best of men would have his."