Page 1 of Conflicted Desires

Chapter one


"Wholly shit! What happened here?" Atlas rushed out the front door, covering his head from the flames that were licking up the side of the manor. "Nico, get your ass down here and help me out this out. Luca! Luca!"

The sound of my name startled me from my angry thoughts, and I turned my eyes from the red taillights disappearing into the night, and to the fire that was burning around me. The flames were now burning their way through the climbing roses up the side of the building and blazing higher.

I stepped back from the flaming building. "Shit. Where's the garden hose?"

"How the fuck should I know?" Atlas growled.

I scowled at him and ran to the garage where I knew there was a fire extinguisher. In the distance I could hear the fire trucks getting louder as they approached. As I ran back out, Nico exited with another extinguisher, and together we put out what we could reach while some of our staff, guided by Atlas, ran out to the safety of the front driveway.

As the fire trucks pulled in, we retreated to the far side of the front yard and watched as the fire rose higher, scorching the front facade and clinging to the windows as it burnt through the wooden frames. Luckily, most of the building’s anterior was made of stone and by the time the firemen extinguished the flames, there appeared to be minimal structural damage.

I ground my teeth as I took in the smoldering building, watching as the smoke rose from the blackened structure and into the night sky.

Nico swore under his breath, "Anyone care to explain what happened?"

"Catalina happened," I seethed.

That puta will pay for this!

Atlas looked around, "Huh? Catalina did this?" He shrugged with a grin, "My kinda girl! I knew I liked her."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Of course. Just what we need. Another pyromaniac!" He turned his attention my way. "Where is she?"

I nodded in the direction of the front gate. "Currently, speeding away to god knows where."

Nico raised a brow, "Speeding? In what?"

"My new Mercedes-AMG SL 63," I said between clenched teeth.

They both paused in shock as they looked at me, before throwing their heads back and howling with laughter.

Atlas clapped me on the back. "I swear I love that girl. She's like the dark sister I never had."

"I assume one of you is the owner?"

Still laughing and shaking his head, Atlas turned his attention to the fireman that had approached. "We all are."

"Well, the good news is that the damage seems to be only superficial. I'd still recommend getting a structural assessment completed given the height of the fire. If one of you can come with me, I'll get you some details."

Atlas followed the fireman over while I turned back to the now dark and empty front gate, the blood boiling inside me as I thought about my car and the scorched manor.

I felt Nico's hand squeeze my shoulder. "Relax. It looks worse than it is. We'll get this cleaned up in no time, and the roses will grow back. Not everything burnt."

I ignored him, brushing off his hand, and stalked past the firemen and through the front door.

How could I have let this happen? I'm so stupid to have let my guard down with her.

Back in the loungeroom I looked at the seat where we had just made out and how she had dominated me. No one had pointed a gun at me and lived to tell the tale, yet when she had done it, I hadn't been mad or afraid. Instead, I had found the act so erotic, I was more than eager to let her take control.

I raised a finger to my swollen lip, smiling at her animalistic prowess that had made me want her even more. Another first she had gotten away with.

For now.

"Care to share what happened?" Atlas had an amused smile on his face as he and Nico stepped into the room behind me. "I mean, I thought the sparks were gonna fly in a different way, if you catch my drift."