Page 13 of Conflicted Desires

I nodded slightly as he stepped back, grinning, and took the box from my hands. He removed the necklace and gently placed it around my neck.

"How does it look?" I smiled, wiping the last of the tears away.

"Better close to your heart than it did to mine. That's for sure!"

I laughed. "Thank you. Nico. Really. I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll see me again. Us again."

"Is that why you wanted to meet tonight?"

He nodded. "While we may be 'enemies' as Luca puts it, we would never harm you in any way. You know that right? We wanted you to know that, and that you are welcome back to our home anytime. We wanted to make amends and let you know that we are there for you. If you need our help, anything, just ask."


He nodded. "Yeah. Anything. What is it, Catalina?"

I couldn't think of a better person to confide in about my suspicions. "I think someone is following me. Watching me. I was half hoping it might have been you guys."

"No. Not us." Nico was suddenly alert. "You've seen someone follow you?"

I shook my head, "Not exactly. I can't explain it, but it feels like someone is watching me. I know it seems silly. Why would anyone want to watch me?"

The fact that Nico didn't immediately allay my fears made me nervous. Instead, he just nodded quietly. "If you ever feel in danger, come to the manor. In the meantime, let us help you. If you want to leave home, let us know when and we'll be there. You won't see us, but we'll be watching over you."

I considered his proposal and couldn't see why not.


He smiled that charming toothy smile of his. "Always."

"You don't have other business to attend too?"

"Catalina, you are our business, so you better call me girl."

I laughed as I picked up the bag and put the gifts inside, then paused. "There's one more thing I want to know before I go, and you better not fuck with me on this Nico. I want the truth."

He shrugged, "Shoot."

"Did you, Atlas or Luca, or anyone who works for you, for that matter, have anything to do with my father's death?" I watched him like a hawk, but my fears subsided somewhat when he didn't hesitate.

"I promise you, Catalina. We had nothing to do with it, and we don't know who is responsible either. You need to believe that."

I nodded, satisfied for now at least. "I have to go."

Nico looked at his watch that I knew would be showing close to midnight. "Let me follow you home."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'll be fine."

"Then at least let me walk you to your car."

I smiled, "Chivalry's not dead then. I like it."

As we made our way back to the parking lot and I stopped beside my MTT, I caught a glimpse of Nico's incredulous face.

"You ride?" he gasped.

I nodded. "A pastime I shared with my father growing up. I couldn't remember before but once I jumped on well, it really was 'just like riding a bike'. My father got me this. I call her Fernanda, because it makes me feel adventurous and bold."