Page 9 of Conflicted Desires

She smiled innocently, "You sound jealous."

"Maybe I am." I wasn't happy about it, but I tried not to let it show.

She eyed me curiously, trying to assess if I was telling her the truth or not, then giggled. "Well, if it puts your mind at ease, I didn't even know I had one."

Makes sense.

“What a peculiar predicament for you,” I grinned.

She laughed, “Indeed.”

"Well, if the boyfriend doesn't mind, maybe we can meet up sometime. Somewhere more… quiet?"

She raised a brow at me, placing the cocktail she'd been sipping down on the bar and looked at me pointedly.

"Firstly, the boyfriend doesn't need to mind anything. I make my own decisions. And secondly, why should I trust you? Luca said we were enemies. If that’s the case, I should be staying the hell away from you."

"Enemies is not quite the term I'd use. More… opposites. Don't get caught up in Luca's choice of words, especially when he can't think straight because he's caught up in you."

"Caught up in me?" Her eyebrows were sky high as she looked at me in shock.

"Don't pretend you didn't know," I scoffed.

She shook her head, "No. I thought he was just having a bit of fun. I was there, it was convenient. Things happened…. You know what I'm saying?"

"I do, but you're wrong. You definitely have something over him."

She observed me quietly for a few moments. "And what about you?"

I gave her a small smile, "I guess you'll have to find out when you meet up with me."

The shy smile she gave me indicated she was enjoying my flirtatious attempts, and it made my heart beat faster than usual.

"So, I can trust you then?" She queried.

"I took a bullet for you, didn't I? What more proof do you need that I have your best interests at heart."

She nodded matter-of-factly. "Touché." She took another sip from her champagne flute before rising from her stool. "I guess I’ll be seeing you?”

"Tomorrow night, 10pm at the Griffith Observatory.”

"Can't wait." She winked at me before turning away, calling over her shoulder, "It was good to see you Nico."

As I watched her walk away from me and back to her boyfriend, a twinge of jealousy clenched my chest. It was only for a second, because I knew I could win her back. It was only a matter of time. Yet, the feeling was there for the first time in my life.

I was jealous.

And I didn't like it.

Chapter four


Brad? My boyfriend's name was Brad?

When he picked me up for dinner and I slid into the passenger seat beside him, I couldn't believe this man was my boyfriend. He just didn't seem my type. When he leaned over to kiss my lips, I impulsively recoiled.

He smiled sadly, "Can't remember me huh?"