Page 11 of Conflicted Desires

He looked amazing as always. Sleek, handsome, playful, and relaxing at the bar like he owned the place.

He probably did own the place.

It had only been a week since I'd left them, but I found myself already missing the company of my guardian boys. Not that I'd ever admit that to any of them.

As we spoke, I had to sit down on the stool so I could fight the urge to reach out and run my hands through his hair and kiss him. The man just oozed sex appeal and I didn't want to get too close, especially since I had a boyfriend who was watching, and I'd just feigned innocence over the stranger who had bought me a drink.

I accepted his request to meet, feeling a warmth of excitement in my chest. I wasn’t sure if the boys were angry at me. Maybe they were, but I knew I could trust Nico, even before the cocktail was placed before me.

Since that fateful night when I had escaped their manor and he had risked his life for me, I knew he was maybe, at least, the only person I could trust.

It was a cool night when I left the house and hit the road with the wind in my hair. The stars were twinkling in force in the night sky, and I couldn't think of a more perfect place to meet than the Griffith observatory. It's like Nico knew it would be a perfect night. As I rode through the hills on my MTT motorbike that my father had gifted me on my twenty-fifth birthday, an inner glow of warmth spread through me. The feel of the bike beneath me was so familiar, the movements like muscle memory, and the happy memories of riding with my father cascaded back to me, making tears spring to my eyes.

Although a lot of my memories were still unknown to me, little glimpses were coming back to me every day, and I was slowly getting a glimpse into who I really was. The confusion of not knowing was slowly being replaced with confidence, like pieces of a jigsaw sliding into place, and it put my mind at ease knowing that at least my memories were coming back.

As I reached the parking lot, I parked next to the impressive looking Ducati and took off my helmet, quickly running my hands through my windswept hair. Taking a deep breath to calm my beating heart, I walked around the perimeter of the building to the balcony where I knew Nico would be waiting.

And there he was. Leaning against the railing, looking out at the glittering lights of the sprawling city below. I don't think he knew it, but he was an exceedingly handsome guy. One of those guys that stood out from the crowd, a clear eleven out of ten. His presence commanding that you look at him and his perfect features. As I watched him now from the shadows, he looked like he was from a magazine, with his relaxed demeanor, square jawline that sported a light stubble, and wavy blonde hair that was moving with the breeze.

As I approached him, he turned his bright green eyes my way, a sexy smile revealing his perfect teeth.

How can you be so stupidly hot? It's not normal.

While Nico was hot as hell, he didn't have any of the dark and mysterious features of Luca. And what Nico commanded in physical attraction, Luca commanded in carnal authority. That was a completely different ball game.

Also hot as hell. Two attractive guys. What to do?

I sighed inwardly, returning Nico's gaze.

"It's good to see you," he grinned.

"You act like you didn't expect me to come."

He chuckled lightly, running a hand through his hair as he pushed off the railing and turned to me. "In all honesty, I thought I would be wearing that mimosa."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Don't worry. The thought never crossed my mind."

"Well, that's a relief." He held out his arms stepping forward, and I welcomed his warm embrace. "We've missed you at the manor."

"I find that hard to believe, especially with the way that I left. "

He gave me a quick squeeze before letting me go. I could tell he was suppressing the urge to laugh but he just shook his head. "While we didn't appreciate the fact you tried to burn down our home, it was probably justified."

"You were keeping things from me, Nico. You all were. I was angry, and the only way I could get anything from you guys was to literally pull a gun. Then Luca said we were enemies, so what was I to think?" I held his gaze, and I could tell he was deep in thought. Maybe he was thinking if he should tell me or not. Either way, I knew in that moment, that what he said next would determine how things went between us moving forward.

He took a deep breath and turned his attention back to the sprawling lights. "How are your memories? Are they back yet?"

I shook my head. "No. Bits and pieces are coming back, but I'm still as confused as ever."

"Then it's a hard question to answer given you can't remember who you are. I-, I mean we, don't know how much you actually know about your father, his organization and his business."

I joined him on the railing, looking out at the view. He wasn't wrong. I didn't know what I didn't know. "I know that my father had quite a few different businesses. I know that I run the wineries and restaurants for him. I don't know or can't remember the others. My uncle has told me he is taking care of that side of things, now that my father has passed."

He turned towards me with a creased brow. "Your uncle?"

I nodded. "Yes. Uncle Darius. He said he is taking care of things now, and not to worry about a thing. At least until my memory comes back anyway. He said that he is implementing some changes that should have been done a long time ago, and they will strengthen the Rivera empire." Nico's eyes darkened at my words. "What is it, Nico?"

He remained silent for a moment, then shook his head. "It's nothing. I'm glad you have someone helping you.” He fell silent again, watching the city lights for a while before he spoke again. “Hey, I have something for you."